Eldest Ghost

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Chapter 2 of mysterious things

Elder Ghost

The black ghost looked at Selina.
Black Ghost: I will never leave you alone!
Anthony: Koala! stand up!
Black Ghost: Today I will get rid of you once and for all!
He punched Anthony on the hand.
Anthony had his hand on the table.
black ghost immediately hit his face on the table and then went to the top of the table and jumped towards one of the 5 boy.
He kicked one of them in the chest with his right foot and landed on the ground with his left foot.
He didn't wait and attacked someone else.
They were shocked by his speed.
He quickly attacked someone and then kicked him with knee in the abdomen. The blow was very strong.
He didn't realize that he had to strike more slowly because his great power could be deadly and dangerous. He couldn't control the force of that blow.
One of them attacked him.
He kicked but the black ghost defended and jumped and spun in the air and hit him in the face with his left foot.
Someone pushed him from behind.
Someone from the front wanted to punch him in the face.
He defended a hit from the front, but someone kick him him in the back. The person in front punched him in the face.
The black ghost went back.
Black Ghost: That was all your strength!? Now, my turn.
black ghost attacked them, one of them punched but the ghost passed under the fist and jumped in the air and kicked one person to the left and one kick to the right, increasing the intensity and strength of the blow and .... both were thrown to the ground!
black ghost turned to look at Selina.
After a month, he could finally see the happiness in her magical eyes.
Selina smiled and she's happy that Kwaski had succeeded until now.
Selina: Be careful!!!! Behind you!
The black ghost came back and saw Adrian attacking him!
black ghost stood and waited for Adrian to arrive.
Suddenly, before Adrian could catch him ... he grabbed Adrian's collar and then Adrian grabbed his collar too. black ghost hit Adrian in the nose with his head.
Then a knee blow to the abdomen and then ..... jumped in the air and hit Adrian in the abdomen with a pair of legs and he fell to the ground.
The black ghost rose from the ground, but something bad happened.
The headache started again!
He was very ill, he closed his eyes from the headache.
Someone took the opportunity and grabbed his legs and threw him to the ground!
Selina: Nooooo!!!!Kwaski!!!! get up!!! get up!!!!!
The same thing happened again!
They all attacked together and attacked his body point by point.
Selina went to help him this time.
He punched one of the boys in the back a few times, but it didn't have much effect.
Selina: Let him go!!!! Kwaski hang on!!
she punched another person But then Anthony took her.
selina: let me go!
Anthony: kwaski, I warned you to not fight with us anymore!
Anthony forcibly brought Selina over Kwaski's head.
Kwaski fell to the ground on his stomach. The rest of the boys had attacked his back and waist.
They kicked him with all their might.
Selina: No!!!! Anthony, tell them to let him go!!!! He does it only for me!!!
Anthony: That's why he must learn to interfere in his own affairs!!
Selina: Please!!! I will do whatever you say!!! They are killing him!
Anthony: There is only one way ....  don't runaway from me anymore, you should be my friend and be with me wherever I go.
Selina looked at Kwaski. who had failed again. Someone who needs to be saved and only Selina can save him.
Selina was upset and had to say ....
Selina: Okay.
Anthony: good! if you kiss me, I will give order to them to leave him.
Selina looked at Kwaski again with tears in her eyes.
she had to do this.
man in black: kwaski! you must get up right now! Now isn't the time to give up! Now isn't the time to fail! You shouldn't let him force Selina to accept his condition! Do you want to be crushed again?! Do you want to let her accept that?
Black ghost: Neverrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
He suddenly got up! ..... All those who threw themselves on him were thrown in different directions.
There were still three people around him! black ghost hit the face of the one in front of him with his right elbow, a kick to the one in the left in the stomach, punching in abdomen to the other in right, two punche in the side, and one uppercut under his chin.
He goes back to the one in the left, attacked and kicked him in the abdomen, throwing him back from the severity of his blow.
man in black was beside him and his arm was on Kwaski's shoulder.
man in black: that was perfect, young man!
Now there was only Adrian and one other person who had a big body!
Adrian and big guy attacked the black ghost.
black ghost went to a table.
He climbed up and jumped towards the giant one and landed on his chest with both knees. big guy and the black ghost fell to the ground.
But the black ghost got up quickly, but before that, Adrian kicked him in the face and the black ghost fell to the ground again.
man in black: get up! hit his knee with strength!
black ghost kicked Adrian's left knee with his right leg.
The force of the blow was a little high and That's why Adrian's leg hurt very bad.
black ghost quickly stands up and attacked Adrian.
He kicked him again on the same knee, then punched him hard in the left cheek with his right fist, then grabbed him by the collar with his two hand, lifted him off the floor, and knocked Adrian to the table. The table it broke.
Selina: Kwaski!!! watch out!
Anthony slapped her!!
Anthony: Shut up!!!
man in black watch Anthony with anger and said: oh boy! you really need a lesson.
The giant boy suddenly grabbed the black ghost and picked him up, threw him on a table and started punching him.
He punched four times in the face of a black ghost, but then the black ghost grabbed two fist of him.
He squeezed the boy's fists and the boy screamed in pain!
black ghost kicked him in the chest with both feet and pushed him away from himself.
black ghost came down from the table.
Black Ghost said to big guy: it's good to have some honor. Until now, you have always attacked me from behind! let's have a fair fight! you ready!?
Suddenly, the ghost hurried toward him.
black ghost punched him in the face before he could react!
One punch to the left side, another punch to the face, the boy punched but the black ghost blocked with one hand and punched him in the face, the boy punched another but the black ghost dodged it and he choose three points on his body and then went forward and jumped towards him, one kick with the right foot down the abdomen, one kick with the left foot to a point above the abdomen and then one kick with the right foot to the face and then rotated in the air and after He landed on the ground with both feet and attacked the opponent again, he's jumping toward him and kicking him in the abdomen with both feet.
The opponent fell to his knees and grabbed his abdomen with both hands. The black ghost kicked him in the left side of his face and knocked him to the ground.
Opponent: Please leave me alone!!!!
Black Ghost: Don't approach me or my friends anymore!
He kicked his foot firmly on big guy abdomen.
Now only Anthony remained.
The ghost walked very slowly but menacingly towards him.
Anthony: You see the retaliation for this! It was better to surrender first! don't come closer! Because if you come, this girl will be harmed!
Black Ghost: You are an animal Anthony!!!
man in black: he's not an animal, he's a shameless bastard.
Selina: Leave me Anthony! If you leave me, I ask Kwaski not to hurt you!
Anthony: Hahaha. You thought I'm so humbled to ask you for help, bitch!
kwaski: I'm coming to crush you!!! let her go! have some honor and face me!
Suddenly, someone attacked Anthony from behind, and he was Jimmy. He bravely grabbed Anthony by the neck and pulled him in another direction, helping Selina to free herself. Anthony quickly threw Jimmy aside.
Selina runs towards the black ghost.
Anthony quickly followed Selina.
The only way to escape from black ghost was to keep Selina close.
black ghost ran towards Selina with full speed.
Anthony was closer to Selina.
He took one of Selina's hands.
Black Ghost: Get your dirty hands of her!
black ghost also reached Selina and punched Anthony hard in the face.
Anthony stepped back and Selina was released.
Anthony: Jimmy Emmel!!!.... I will retaliate. you will pay for that.
Black Ghost: Shut up!!! You are ....
Selina immediately hugged him.
The black ghost was surprised and he hugged Selina. put his hand on her head. Selina was crying.
Tears came down from the eyes of black ghost too. but he wiped away the tears.
Selina held her tightly and clung to him.
Selina: You succeeded .... you saved me .... forgive me, I mistreated you .... I was very scared.
They moved away from each other and looked at each other.
The black ghost wanted to do something that Kwaski had never been able to do before.
Black Ghost: Selina, I will always be in your side and I never stop protecting you.
black ghost passed her to face Anthony.
Black Ghost: You will not get close to me and my friends anymore!!! You bothered Selina so much ... you should never have bothered Selina! You should never fight me! Because I will never give up and I will never run away from the battle. If I lose, I will come back stronger and defeat my opponent. Now! ...
he put his index finger toward Anthony.
Black ghost: you're gonna pay!
black ghost attacked Anthony.
Anthony punched him but the black ghost blocked it with one hand and he punched Anthony in the face and then kicked him in the abdomen and attacked him again and jumped and kick him with right leg. black ghost rushed forward again, punching him hard in the face and punching him again in the abdomen.
He grabbed him by the collar with both hands and hit him hard by his head to Anthony's face.
With his right foot, he kicked Anthony hard in the legs and knocked him to the ground.
Anthony crawled to the ground to escape, but the black ghost struck his right foot firmly on his back.
Anthony: Enough !!! Please let me go!!! I made a mistake!!! You have won!!!
Black Ghost: That's something obvious I won!
The black ghost grabbed his collar.
Black Ghost: You are nothing Anthony!!! Do you hear what I said!!? I wasn't afraid of you because of what you did to me, what you did to me only strengthened me to fight you again because my failures make me stronger. You no longer able to be close to Selina!
Selina: Kwaski, can you bring Anthony here?
black ghost: Okay.
black ghost picked him up and took him to Selina.
Selina was standing, she was no longer afraid.
The black ghost could feel that she had regained her former self-confidence.
black ghost threw him in front of Selina's feet, then pressed his foot firmly against Anthony's waist.
Selina: Thank you Kwaski!
then she looked at Anthony: what has happened?! I see you were badly beaten. Can you threaten me again? Kwaski, can you push it hard?
Black Ghost: Definitely.
And then the black ghost increased the pressure.
Anthony: Kwaski!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! sorry!!!!!!
Selina: Do you remember Anthony? I told you last year that you will see the punishment for your deeds and today is that day. You are nothing without your friends. you are nothing! Kwaski and I are teaching you not to bother anyone anymore! First, I want to break your pride and humiliate you in front of everyone here!!! Apologize to me.
Anthony: Go .. go .... go to hell bitch!
Selina blushed and was so angry that Kwaski had never seen her like this before.
The black ghost put him on his knees and grabbed him from behind, and then .... Selina picked up her tray of iron, pounded it on Anthony's face, and then took a deep breath.
black ghost also hit Anthony's spine hard with his elbow.
Anthony: Ahhhhhh!!!!
Selina: I told you not to say that to me!!!
The black ghost put more pressure on his neck.
Black Ghost: Apologize to her! Now!!!
Anthony: Aiiiiieeee!!!! Sorry Selina!!!
Selina: We are not friends!!! You shouldn't call me by my name.
Anthony: Okay!!!
Aaaaaaa .... I'm sorry, I'm sorry ms. Anderson!!!! Excuse me ..... ohhhhh!!! please!!!! Sorry Ms. Anderson !!!! I have made mistake!!!
Anthony: Please, Ms. Anderson!!!
Selina: Enough Kwaski, I forgave him.
Then she hit the tray firmly in the face again.
The black ghost also picked him up and pushed him and attacked him and kicked him hard in the face and he fell to the ground.
Selina: until now, I had never enjoyed to seeing anyone beaten.
black ghost laughed.
Selina brushed her hair away from in front of her eyes and looked at him.
The black ghost also noticed his gaze.
Selina: I'm sorry for that slap!
I ....
Black Ghost: I know. You had right to think that way.
Selina smiled at him.
Black Ghost: I didn't think for a moment to leave you alone and you know I had a voice according to the recipe .... Forget it. It was my plan to ....
Selina: I understand. You don't know how happy I am now, eldest ghost!! You are the best!!!
Kwaski: Thank you. you got a cool nickname for me.
Kwaski took her hand and then they went back to Jimmy and Fleisha.
Fleisha: I'm so happy for you Selina! You finally got rid of Anthony.
Jimmy: I'm happy too. and for you too, kwaski.
Selina: I'm happy too. Today, I got something more than being relieved by Anthony.
Then she looked at Kwaski and smiled at him.
Selina: Thank you Jimmy, you helped me too.
Jimmy: I didn't do anything special.
Kwaski: What you did was very special. If you hadn't done that, I don't know how I could have gotten to Anthony because I was afraid Selina would get hurt.
Fleisha: okay, Let's have our lunch.

BLACK GHOST part 2 (mysterious things)Where stories live. Discover now