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Chapter 8 of mysterious things


Year 2011

Selina: Kwaski? Kwaski! where are you?!
Kwaski had gone to the yard and he was sat on a tree stump.
Selina: Why are you sitting here?! As I told you, we are going to get together again.
Kwaski: But how long do I have to wait to see you again? We haven't been apart for a day so far.
Selina: It's hard for me too but I have to go. I'm going, do you want to say goodbye to me and my mom and dad ?!
Kwaski got up and came to Selina and wiped away his tears.
Selina: Are you crying?! We aren't going to be separated forever!
she smiled beautifully.
Kwaski: I didn't cry.
Selina continued to smile.
Selina: You can't lie to me because I know you. I can't believe! The strong fists that hit your face in boxing can't bring you to tears, but you're shed tears for a few days away from me!
Kwaski: Because you're so important for me!
Kwaski and Selina hugged each other.
Selina: It's hard for me too! (Her tears were flowing little by little) Don't forget the words we said and also the promises you gave me! Never use your power. you're power is dangerous. If you love me, never use them.
Kwaski: Okay.
Selina closed her eyes and kissed him. Kwaski tilted his head.
Then they went home, and Kwaski said goodbye to his uncle and aunt Mary, and they left. When they wanted to leave. Kwaski felt bad.
The feeling was telling him he could no longer see them.
They went to Megalopolis to use the airport to get abroad, but were killed in Megalopolis.
Mary Alexander was found with an arrow in her heart, and Alex with a body full of sores.
But there was no sign of Selina.
That news destroyed Kwaski, there was no trace of Selina. In those days, Kwaski was very upset.
He didn't talk to anyone. since that time, kwaski didn't smiled. in those days, he didn't eat anything.
At least they buried Alex and Mary, but what about Selina?
did she didn't deserve a grave?
did those killer didn't even have mercy on her dead? Kwaski was eager to find their killer.
Mary and Alex were buried in a cemetery in Megalopolis.
Kwaski threw himself on the grass and cried.
His knees were on the ground, as were his fists.
Kwaski: Agggggghghhhhhhh!!!!!
He screamed and shouted.
Kwaski: NOOO, NOOO!!!!!! God!!!
Elizabeth: Kwaski!!! .... Get up my darling!!!
Kwaski: NOO, NOOOO!!!!!!
He slammed his fists on the grass.
Kwaski: I need them!!!!! .... Selina ..... Selina!!!!!! where are you!!!!!!!
Selina come back to me!!!!!!
Elizabeth: Kwaski .... she's in a better place now ...‌. She can't come back anymore!!!!!
Kwaski: she must come back!!!! she promised me!!!! she promised that we will meet again soon!!!! Why God!!!! Why did you take her from me!!! I need her!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Where is Selina's body!!!!? I want to see her for the last time!!!! Selina must also be buried!!!
Elizabeth: Kwaski!!!
The man in black was kneeling next to Kwaski and his hand was on his shoulder and And with his other hand he took the grip of the sword and plunged the sword into the ground, he pressed the grip of the sword in rage. He had his head down. His eyes were also teary.
Kwaski screamed.
Kwaski: I have to find her!!! She needs my help! I have to find her so we can bury her!!!
Elizabeth's tears flowed from her eyes.
she didn't know how to calm Kwaski.
she didn't know that Kwaski could be like before.
Suddenly, Kwaski got up and ran to the exit doors.
Elizabeth: Kwaski!!!! Kwaski !!!! where are you going!!!? Richard!!!! Richard!!!! Get Kwaski!!!!!
Richard was standing on top of his twin brother's grave. His friend and Someone who was with him from birth had been killed.
He had just noticed Elizabeth screaming.
He passed through the crowd and went to the exit doors. But he didn't see Kwaski. He had escaped.
Elizabeth: Kwaski!!!!! my God!! Where did you go Kwaski!!!!?
Richard said under his breath
Richard: God, have mercy on us.
God ..... please! Don't let him find Kwaski.
Kwaski was walking from one alley to another.
Kwaski: Selinaaaaa!!!!!
He went into another alley and called her again.
He was walking from one alley to another.
He hoped to find Selina alive in one of these alleys.
He entered every alley with excitement, hoping to see her, but she wasn't in any alley.
He couldn't stand it. He didn't want to believe that he could no longer see that beautiful smile.
He didn't want to believe that those beautiful and magical eyes no longer existed so that he could stare at them. He didn't want to believe that those magical eyes were closed forever.
Kwaski: No, no, no!!!!!!!!!! Come back to me!!!! Selina!!!!! adviser!!!!!
adviser Find her!!!!! adviser, take me to her!!!!!
the man in black said with sadly.
Man in Black: I'm so sorry Kwaski. But I can't help. she's no longer with us. she's gone. I .... I can understand you. I experienced the same pain. but Kwaski, Selina was an angel. This world didn't deserve her presence! Now she has gone to her own kind, now she's with the rest of the angels. I can't take you to her. Forgive me my son.
Kwaski: No, no!!!!! she shouldn't go!!!! I need her!!!! I need her presence!!!!! I will die!!!!
He leaned against a wall and banged his head against the wall.
He shouted helplessly.
Kwaski: Selinaaaaaa!!!!!!
come back!!!!!! I need you!!!!!
There were three ways to that alley.
One on the left and one on the right, and one way behind. Kwaski, Kwaski had pinned himself to a wall.
Suddenly, two of those roads were closed by men in red.
Kwaski didn't pay attention to them.
But the man in black knew they were dangerous, he knew them.
The man in black pulled his sword out of the sheath but later he remembered that he couldn't touch them.
Suddenly, Kwaski heard a man shouting from behind him.
Stranger Man: Kwaski rovener!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Suddenly, Kwaski was frightened and turned to face the man.
He just realized that he was under siege.
He looked at the man ...... the man who was wearing a devil suit ...... the color of his clothes was red and he ...... had yellow eyes!
Kwaski: Who are you?
The man was carrying a special weapon.

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