Roug rovener

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Chapter 9 of mysterious things

Roug rovener


Kwaski: And then the police came and that man ran away.
He lied about running away from the beelzebub.
Selina: Why didn't you tell the police?
Kwaski: Do you think they believed that a man in a red devil costume had killed my grandmother and uncle? he's mine!! I will kill him myself! I will find him one day! And then I take my revenge on him!
Psychic man! I had never seen him and he hated me! He .... he .... killed Selina! How could he kill her!? What did he do with her?
Kwaski began to cry! He could no longer control himself.
Selina Martinez: Kwaski!
Kwaski: I swear to God!!! If he comes again! ... I will kill him!
Selina took a handkerchief from her bag and handed it to Kwaski.
Selina: Take it
Kwaski: Thank you.
Tears welled up from Selina Martinez's eyes.
she wiped her tears with another handkerchief.
Selina: Wow, I have to admit ... that I want to cry too. It must have been very hard for you! ... Then your parents left too.
Kwaski sighed.
Kwaski: Yes.
Selina: You know, people live in the present, but you don't like to get out of the past!
Kwaski: Because the past is sweeter to me than the present.
Selina: Kwaski! The point is here. you think, the only person who can make you happy is Selina. she was successful, but you have to pay attention to that fact .... if you were as bad as you are now! Even she left you! People around you are just like the complementary characters in a story. You are the main character and it's you who must determine the course of your life. In the past, you wanted to be nice and laugh like Selina so that everyone would love you. But now you aren't like those days. You no longer have that goal.
You like to grieve every day for the bitter events of your life.
Kwaski: Well, what should I do now?
Selina: Smile. like me.
Then she smiled, and her smile was very beautiful and heartwarming for Kwaski.
Kwaski: I can't.
Selena: Why you can't? look at me! Nothing in the world isn't more beautiful than a simple smile! In my opinion, this is a gift that can be given to anyone every day!
Now it's your turn. You said you have never laughed since the day she died! You said you could never smile like those days. Kwaski, it's the time to put aside mourning! If Selina was here, she wouldn't like to see that the love of her life is so sad.
I tilted the corner of my lip.
Selina: More, more, much better!
Smiling comes more to your face than frowning! You know, you have to find someone you love and she falls in love with you too. in that way, that person can gradually replace Selina.
Kwaski: I have no one.
Selina: Kwaski, now there is no girl who falls in love with you! You have to make a girl fall in love with you!
For example, Fleisha!
It's funny to think about it!
Kwaski and Fleisha!
Kwaski: Even thinking about it, is very scary!
Selina: Why?!!
Kwaski: We're friends, but most of the time we argue! I'm sure that if Fleisha was a boy, we would have fought a thousand times already!
Selina: I didn't know. I just gave an example.
Kwaski chose that person.
Kwaski: You know, Mrs. Martinez ... you look a lot like her. I'm sure if she grew up, she would be as beautiful as you.
Selina: Thank you. (She blushed a little) Is there anything else you want to tell me?
Kwaski: I always heard a voice in my head. I call him a adviser. That is, he himself suggested this name to me.
He guided me in everything. But since I was 17 years old. I can no longer hear that voice, but instead, every night I dream of a man in black calling me to join him!
Selina: Every night! that is weird!
Are you sure you haven't an illusion?!
Kwaski also initially thought that sound was an illusion. But after all the guidance and finding Selina and moving Kwaski from one place to another, he made sure that sound was there.
He doesn't know what that sound is, but he is sure it exists.
Kwaski: Yes, it was not an illusion.
Selena: Look Kwaski, in some situations where people get lonely, they start talking to themselves and for a long time they think that sounds is real! but it's not real.
They're just themselves.
Kwaski: Do you think I'm crazy?!
Selena: No! But the stress on you is high and the stress isn't ineffective, but this dream that you say is suspicious and mysterious!
And also scary!
Then she smiled again.
Kwaski turned his head to the ground.
But then he noticed something strange.
A man in black was standing on the grass.
He wore a hood attached to his dress and wore it over his head, pulling a black bandana up to the top of his nose.
His clothes were old and designed to carry weapons.
A sword hung from his clothes.
Kwaski only realized these details, but then he got scared.
But then he became more frightened because he realized that no one but him could see the man.
If anyone saw him, an officer would come quickly and take him out of the middle of the ground!
He didn't even have a body!
One of the players of the Megalopolis team approached him exactly and passed through him!
He is truly the soul!
Kwaski stared at him for a long time, sweating.
Suddenly a cold liquid hit his face.
Selina: Kwaski, can you hear me?!!
Jimmy: Kwaski, Kwaski !!
Fleisha: What happened?!!!
Kwaski: Oh, did you see that too?!!
Selina: What?!!
Kwaski: The man in black standing in the middle of the ground and Miles Johnson passed right through his body!
All three of them look at him in surprise.
Selina: You aren't well!
Fleisha: you have to see doctor! You are getting sick!!!
Jimmy: Did you see a ghost?!!
Kwaski: I'm not crazy!!! He was standing right there but he isn't there now!!
Fleisha: What is the difference between us and you that you can see and we can't?!! Jimmy and I were all focused on the game but we didn't see what you are talking about!!!
Selina: Fleisha! Keep yourself in control! Kwaski, this dream of yours has made you see an illusion, that's all. We have to go to the doctor and then everything will be fine with a few pills.
Kwaski: No! The appearance of the man in black I dreamed of was different from this one. He was bigger than this one. And his clothes were not a piece! He didn't have a black bandana or a hood.
Jimmy: I said from the beginning that these dreams are scary!
Kwaski put both hands on his head.
Kwaski: I'm going crazy.
Selina illusion: You didn't lose your mind! They don't understand what you are saying!
she had the same smile she always had.
adviser: Return to the old house after delivering Fleisha and Selena Martinez.
He must have had an important job.
Kwaski thought to himself: You are finally back!
He knew the adviser could read his mind.
After the football was over, Kwaski and Jimmy took Fleisha and Selina to Fleisha's house.
Along the way, Kwaski and Selina Martinez talked more.
She was a beautiful and lovable girl, and Kwaski liked her and her behavior.
fleisha's home
Fleisha: Goodbye guys!
Jimmy and Kwaski: Goodbye.
Selina: I'm glad to see you, Kwaski!
Kwaski: Me too, I hope to see you again.
Selina Martinez smiled.
Selina: I hope so.
They looked at each other for a few minutes.
Selina: Don't forget to smile.
I have to go now.
Is there anything else you want to tell me?
Kwaski wanted to say something else. But he couldn't.
Kwaski: No. Thank you for listening.
Selina: your welcome! .... Well, goodbye for now.
Kwaski always hated saying goodbye.
Kwaski: Goodbye.
a few moments later
Kwaski: Jimmy, I have to go home.
From here on, go yourself.
Jimmy: Okay. take care.
Why do you want to go there?
Kwaski: I have to visit it. Bye for now.
Kwaski went home.

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