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Hey everyone! Wow! 61 reads thank you so much! For some reason I have a feeling that you all are not reading all this bold parts which is a bit sad on my end as I take a lot of time for these chapters so yeah.

I forgot to mention that I own nothing!



Normal POV

"Umm....Um..." Hiccup sutured. His mind started to race. Oh no! What do I say! Oh gods! Um... Um...

"Hiccup! Lad it's alright to take ye time to make that decision!" Gobber said interrupting Hiccup train of thoughts

"Thank you Gobber! You of all were the kindest to me before my banishment." Hiccup said. Bringing his banishment, Astrid and Gobber tensed up a bit.

"Hiccup, look. You are still banished and I don't want you to leave! I have feeling for you and if you leave then.. Then...." Astrid started to say. It was very unusual for the fearless Astrid Hofferson to be in such a state but Hiccup knew what she was going through.

"Hey, look at me," Hiccup said resting his hand under her chin. She looked at him, "I still don't know if I will leave a again or not! I might stay and now with what's going on between us all affects my decision!" Hiccup finished. Astrid quickly swept Hiccup into a hug. "Please don't leave! Please!" She muttered. Hiccup softly rubbed his hand on her back. "Don't worry! Even if I still leave then I might come back to visit!" He said. They parted. Then, a booming voice was heard. They turned around to see non other than Stoick the Vast. 

"Hiccup! Where have you been! I missed you so much son..." Stoick began

"Ok look Stoick! First of all, why would you care! For 8 years I was shunned out by the village for no real reason at all and you didn't do one bit to help me and instead you joined them making me hopeless and secondly, if memory serves me right, you disowned me and then banished me! What kind of a father are you! 

"I'm so sorry! I should have been there for you but I wasn't but look at you all grown up!" Stoick said advancing forward to him.

"Whoa there! Stay back from my rider or you'll be sorry!" Toothless warbled as he slowly charged a blast in his mouth, wrapping his tail around Hiccup and Astrid in a defensive way, bringing there heads closer together. They both blushed.

"Toothless! It's ok! He won't hurt me and even if he did then you'll have my back!"  Hiccup said looking at his dragon.

"I know that Hiccup but I don't want him near you as before we were banished he put you through so much pain. The rest of them also did but the one who likes you didn't do that much!" Toothless said. They both looked at Astrid, who looked very confused.

"Ok, what did you two just say?" She asked. Hiccup ten explained everything.

"Oh wow! He is very defensive!"

"I know, he's my best bud." Hiccup said nuzzling Toothless. The two kept walking. They passed the village.

"Wow! Nothings changed!" Hiccup said in surprise. He gazed at all the houses when he saw them. the other teens were there. Tuff and Ruff looked surprised as Hiccup was no longer a fishbone. Fishlegs was looking tensed and Snotlout had his fist clenched. They walked over......

Hiccup's POV

Me and Astrid walked over to them.

"Hey babe! What 'cha doing with useless over here. He is banished and you could also be as well!" Snotlout said with a  smug smirk. That's when I had had enough. I ran at him and lifted him by his shirt and threw him into an alleyway. Then I pulled out Inferno. He tensed up. In the corner of my eye I could see Astrid and the others back up a bit with awe-struck expressions. I then pushed Snotlout to a wall.

"You know something Snot, From the age of 8 to the day I was banished, you made my life hell!" I said raising inferno in front of his face. A very bad smell filled the air... I dropped Snotlout.

"Snotlout, did you seriously just poop in your pants!" I said in disgust. I kicked him and left the alleyway and started to head down the village with Toothless. I saw Astrid and Fishlegs come my way as the twins went to help Snotlout in disgust.

"Hey Fishlegs! How ya been?" I asked him. He gave me a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh Hiccup! Where have you been. I'm so sorry! Leaving you was a big mistake! Will you ever forgive me?' He asked

"Look Fishlegs, I can't forgive you," I started, his face dropped, " Because you did nothing wrong!" I finished.

"Oh Hiccup. Thank you." We kept on walking. After some time we were at the edge of the forest.

"Hiccup. Do you wanna go in?" Astrid asked.

"Sure!" I replied. We began walking. It's just as I remember it. The bright green trees, the green spangled floor and the scene was perfect. After a few minutes of walking we had made to the one place I kept close to my heart. The cove

"Wow Astrid! Nothing has changed!" I said. The water hadn't changed it's depth, the cave was exactly how I left it 5 years ago and the stone which I had written the blood message was untouched. We went in. Toothless started to pounce around.

"Wow Hiccup! This place hasn't changed at all! Oh my god! Look! That's the tree I used to hang on and sleep in!"  Toothless exclaimed running towards it.

"Thank you Astrid for bringing me here! This place brings back so many memories!" I said walking around.

"I know, this place has been untouched ever since you were banished!" She said sorrowfully looking into my eyes.

"I know. A-And I missed you a lot you know." I said.

"Well, it's already late. We should be heading back!" She said. Wow! That much time has passed! I didn't even realize it!  I though. We started to make our way back.


We walked throught the village. Then a large horn filled the air. The next thing i see is my ex-father running toward s the beach with all of berk warriors following him. I look towards the horizon and then i see it. Ships fling the beserker colours slowly making there way towards the wet heap of rocks i'm on....Berk!


Ok look. first of all thank you all for the views . I will give a few shoutouts now but another thing. IS there a problem with the settings or something becausw no one has commented! I have figured out a solution! Pls go to my profile and message me .pls also read all the bold parts. In chapter 5 i gave my words of encouragement. Pls read that.

K now the shutouts!

Shout out to MattMurphy356 and AHA12634 for adding my book to there lists!

Pls read all the bold parts!


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