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Hello Everyone! Thank you all for the almost 500 views!

You da best!

Shout out to KenzieRunningFree for commenting and voting and Elite_Sohan for voting  on the last chapter!



Hiccup's  POV

I handed Astrid a bowl of chicken for breakfast. Suddenly, a huge sound filled the air. I recognized it instantly. The berkian horn!  I rushed outside to see almost a hundred ships flying the Berkian colors approaching.

"Astrid,"  I said looking at her. "I don't think we can take em'" I said. Then, a huge roar filled the skies. Then, an army of dragons emerged from the forest, destroying ships.

"Hiccup, we can take this chance to leave!" Astrid said.

"We cannot! All of them have a chance of dying! We can't just leave them! We need to fight with them!"  Toothless said.

"Hey Astrid, we can't leave them, we need to stay with them and fight. If you want you can stay in the forest and-" I started.

"NONSENCE! I'm not going to leave my boyfriend!" She exclaimed. I smile grew on my face as she hoped on. We flew into the sky. We helped a few dragons. Then, a bola latched itself on Toothless. We crashed onto a ship. Then, a shadow appeared. It was Stoick!

"Well Hiccup. You've got a lot of explaining to do!" he said. I got up and pulled out inferno. He backed up a bit. I took that opportunity to free Astrid and Toothless. We hoped on Toothless and flew out of range of all their bolas and arrows.

"You all ok?" I asked. Both of them said yes. We divebombed once again, exploding another ships. I went in low and blasted some zipple gas and another dragon was freed. Then, a flaming arrow wizzed past us.  We landed in the forest. Stoick and the others had managed to get of the and the others still chasing us. Suddenly, a cliff appeared. Astrid got off.

"Astrid! What are you doing?"  I asked her.

"Hiccup," she started, tears forming on our eyes, " They will continue to hunt you. Please go. If they take me then they'll leave you alone!" She said.

"Please come with me! Please!" I begged. She did nothing. Suddenly, Stoick and all the people behind him emerged, throwing whatever they had at Toothless. We had to go.

"Astrid I'll come back to you!" I said. We took of...

Astrid's POV

I saws them take off. i knew what I did was right. Suddenly, I felt a large, meaty hand on me. It was Stoick.

"Well las. Looks like there might be an execution!" He said. Wait. An EXECUSION! They were going to kill me publicly!  Tears were flowing down my eyes as I was taken back on a boat and back to berk......


I was taken to the docks. There the entire village was there. My parents had disappointed expressions on there faces. Then, a booming voice was heard behind me.

"This girl has committed the highest treason! To pay for this is DEATH!" he said. The entire crowd went silent. They were all in shock. I was sobbing a lot then. I could hear Ruff also crying. I was slowly dragged to the kill arena. Dragged to my death!

Hiccup's POV

Me  and Toothless flew low. We were following the ship that Astrid was on. I started to formulate a plan. OK. I'll go to the forest and go to the cliff that overlooks the village so I can see where they will take Astrid. Then, we'll swoop in and grab her.  I thought. The ship finally stopped and Astrid was taken on the dock. Then Stoick said something which made my heart shatter. They were going to execute her! I watched in horror as she was taken into the kill arena...

Astrid's POV

I was facing the wall, Stoick was behind me. He had picked up a spear and was going to kill me with it. The entire village was present. My parents and Ruffnut were crying their hearts out. So was I. I could hear him ready to through it. He threw it. I could hear it whiz through the air. The crowd gasped. I felt my body. There was no spear. I turned around. It was Hiccup!

"Hiccup!" I said in joy. His eyes were full of shock. He slowly looked down. So did I. My eyes widened in shock. The spear was impaled in him. A bit if it was coming out of his stomach while the rest had come in from the back and through his armor.

"Astrid." he gasped. With one swift gasp for air he fell sideways onto the floor.

"HICCUP!" I yelled, resting his head on my lap. His hands were in the back of the spear. Slowly, he pulled it out. He yelled in agony. He placed his head on my lap again. Tears were flooding my face as I entwined my hand in his.

"Hiccup," I sobbed, "Don't leave me! Please!" He pulled my head into his as we kissed. 

"Astrid," He said as he stopping. "I-I love you with all my heart. I-I'll wait in Valhalla for you with Cami." he said with a small smile.

"I love you" He dropped his hand as the last bit of air escaped from him.....


Ha. Another CLIFFHANGER! I am so sorry for this cliffhanger. 

Sorry this one was short. I needed it to be for effect.

You shall see what happens to Hiccup in the next one.


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