12. dawnfall

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I walked home alone today!I missed him ,and was so sad because of todays lunch.why am I so careless!.It even made samuel feel guilty,I mean c'mon it wasn't his fault.he was just trying to say sorry for yesterday.although it was weird that how all of a sudden samuel was being extra friendly.we became some what close especially during our dance classes,I gotta say he is a really good dancer! Like really good.

Samuel is a cheerful and loud guy!,always being touchy! throwing random pickup lines.trying to make me laugh!and adamant as fuck!

Well jungkook is different character,.he is a very reserved person,it takes a lot of effort to bring a single smile on his face, arrogent attitude but he has a soft part..his heart!how ever he is... I know he is good man.

They both have their own kind of unique personalities.

Night is scary! especially when you have no one to hold on to and rely on!

Sleeping in my bed I let my thoughts loose 💤

I was standing in front of tall buildings, ding! The sound of the clock on the top of the building makes me turn towards it,the clock shows 4.33 on it,my surroundings looks like it's dawn .

I let my eyes wander around, but the thing which catches my vision makes my eyes grow big!my hands and legs turn cold at the view.

A shadow hovering over at the top of a 3 story building,his hairs covering his eyes, he looked plain,and unsettled and abit trembling, standing at the edge of the building . I can't move! My mind isn't processing anything, I'm just staring at him, searching for his sorrowful eyes from so far, down here,silently praying that he would change his mind, I'm not able to bring a single voice out of my throat maybe because I know him i- jungkook...I was too weak to make a move. In just a blink *thud* his body is lying few feet in front of me,blood pooling around him.

I'm shivering at the sight, gossebumps visible on my whole body. His body looking extremely pale,his breathes becoming slowly unexistent .His eyes still staring at me, as if telling me that he was sorry!

Pain ,misery, grieve were really small words to describe my state. I was in a shock! Finally when I was able to move, I wanted to hold him in my arms forever and never let go! And Also slap him back to his senses at the same time

Extending my arms to hold his face,he felt just like ice...soo cold!lifeless..my vision blurred with tears.

Dreams! Why is it happening, its been long since I dreamt something like this or should I say about him, and every time it feels more painful to handle it!

It was morning I was in my bed!i was still a bit dizzy because of yesterdays dream and sleep, University was off anyways, because of a fest. So I took my time to clean up and settle my self

I held my hot chocolate mug close to my mouth breathing in its scent.the smooth texture of it and it's flavours blessings my taste buds.the steam coming from it blurring the the transparent glass in front of Me.

It was heavily pouring outside ,I felt cozy enjoying my hot chocolate, a blanket was wrapped around me, i was sitting in infront of my apartment's balcony glass door .


My phone vibrated as notification popped up

Unknown :hey!leyy!its Samuel!

I frowned, I didn't give him my number

Me:how'd you get my number!?


Unknown :remember in the class when you ringed me up to get my phone! 😉

Ohh!smart ass afc

Me:oh.yeah!nice way to ask my number😏

.....I,saved his number

Mr flirt :either ways I'd have got your number! So it doens't matter! How!


Mr flirt: we are free today! Wanna hangout? ...

Absolutely a flirt.

Me:nope! I got plans🙃


Mr flirt :yes!you got plans...with me

.....wt did I say about him being adament

Me:no!I got plans ,and not with you ..😬


Mr flirt :really?☹️




Mr flirt :alright ill let you slide this time, but no excuses for the next time ok?



Mr flirt: leyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!

Me: ok ok fine! Next time! Sure! 😂

Mr flirt : okiee!take care honey! Ttyl gtg! 😙


Mr flirt :why!?why'd you hit a cute thing as me? 😢

Me:coz .. your a 💩

Mr flirt :im gonna act as if I never saw that. But your mean 😡

Me :thanks!

Mt flirt :bye! 😤

Me: bye! Sammydoomydooo😂

He is big Scooby-Doo-bee doo fan, so I gave him that name. Samuel+Scooby-Doo-bee doo....(ik its cringy)


I stare at my phone deciding wether to press the call button or not.

Thinking for a while i press the call button...

📱ring ring...






📞: hello!

Says a manly voice calmly on the other line

Me: hello, jungkook....?




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