22.dance my heart away

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jungkooks pov

The time passed and she didn't come back,I thought she was busy with her performance,I was curious to see her perform.she really brags a lot about her dancing skills, she should have just went solo,the idea of her performing a tango dance with some random dude is kinda off for me.

I see the curtains open again as they announce the next performance

"The next performance by the seniors team.by adley jones and samuel smith"

My eyes go round...wait did I hear it clear...was it real what I think I heard?.I frown and narrow my eyes to see adleys figure standing on the stage with a a very thin golden dress,hardly covering her.sticking to her body perfectly showing her curves,and absolutely the wide smile taking my breath away.i stare at her with mouth open.

She looks my way,as her eyes turn Cresent as smiles my way.my mouth turns into a small smile and I give her a thumbs up to do well.

.....but my smile turns to 180 degree turn when I see a manly arm surrounding her waist pulling her to him......

"Samuel?.." I mumble confused..by she said-.... wait she lied..???...she wanted to perform with him and she knew I'd be mad if hear his name so she lied, I leave out and unpleasant huff as my heart clenches at her lying to me.

I try my best to keep my face hard and stiff as watch them perfrom.

His hands all over her body,her body moving to him with the rythem,she is no doubt an absolute flawless dancer'...but they are too close to my taste.

The way he holds her waist in his arms,the way his face is on her neck,the way he lifts her from her hip,...makes me clench my hands into fists.my knuckles turn white.


They end the dance with a steamy pose,as they smile looking at each other.my jaws are thight from clenching my teeth.

"They both look amazing together!" Someone says beside me

Thats it! I'm done with this fucking ceremony.what a great day!

I leave the hall aggressively, catching some people's attention as i leave.

I walk to my home alone with a hit mind! I don't know why I am overreacting about this and I don't know.why do I have this sour feeling about him..he is just too clingy towards her,he knows that i hate it when she spends time with her,he knows that I like her....but he still tries to get close to her...

And even adley lied that she was paired up with someone else.

Why did she call me here.To make me feel bad by seeing them all over eachother. doesn't she know how do I feel,when someone lays there flithy eyes on her leave alone hands. I growl at the memory of their dance.

How could she,she is Only supposed to be touched like that by me and no one else.....but can we blame her??, I never told her my feelings

Whst is happening ,It hurts to be with her with these guilty feelings,but it kills me to see her with someone else.

.......I wish I could just call you mine.


I was laying on my bed playing overwatch on my computer aggressively hitting the buttons on the remote.

My phone is spammed by adleys calls and messages

I don't wanna talk to her and speak something utter rubbish and regret later so I better keep my hurt ass to myself.

I see as the sun has already began to set as the environment colour is Fading to dark.

George's birthday party is going down in the hall with all his chipmunk friends shouting and playing games.

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