18.good morning

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The morning light and the  atmosphere around me was different as I woke up today.the birds chirping bringing me back to my senses,my eyes felt heavy and hazy,I feel relaxed after the sleep today!.I peek at the ceiling above me as I sigh loudly,my body feels heavy as I try to turn around, something keeping me in place.i try wriggle out its hold,strong arms which are around me.......... wait! Arms ??,my eyes flew open wide as I see the muscle bag kind of person laying behind me deep in his slumber.his arms draped securely around my waist my head on his chest,I turn towards his face,his eyes closed,lips pursed,his bare morning face shining because of sunlight.,his masculine scent intoxicating as im too close him ,my nose almost touching his. When did this happen?

I recall the incidents from yesterday as I calm myself down.,oh yes! I'm at jungkook's house.all the memories of yesterday night coming back to me making my cheeks heat up,"stay!.....",.'yahahaahhaahaha'

I scream internally,for my behavior I was stills dizzy from sleep,it kinda sliped out of my mouth.

' what must he be thinking!? Fool! Thats what I am' I look at his peaceful self still slurring in his sleep,I take his hand around me and try to remove it from me...,but he wriggles off and moves closer putting his legs around me pullingy me closer 'why!?'

With struggling with him for 15 mins to get him off me I finally get off his grip,"gotta say this muscle man is really a deep sleeper' I huff,as I try roll off the bed when soemone grabs my hand, my eyes go saucers,

I turn to face the evil bunny lookin man, looking at me with a wicked grin..'im already embarrassed myself,dont make it more difficult for me' I mumble,which I suppose he didn't hear.

"You know you could have woke me up and said me to move instead struggling to get me off?" He says... teasing

"You were awake all along??"I ask baffled

"Don't change the subject missy!,or is it that you wanted to touch me more so you didn't wake me...huh??" He continues wriggling his brows.

😑"no! You wish!" I say slapping his hands off getting off his bed.

"You know you snore so loud!!"he complains getting up, acting as if clearing his ears

"What! I don't snore!"

"You do!snory! I'll record you next time." He says laughing

!!,yah! This bitch!

"And you were being a koala, sticking up to me like glue stick"

I say, pointing him

"I wasn't yo-" he gets cut off by the fluff ball climbing all over him licking his entire face!

"Oye!!! oye!!good morning pudyy!,sit down I'm gonna faallll"

He falls back on the bed with the pudy

"Yaa!! Stop licking my neck!! It tickles...ayyaa!! your really a big attention seeker like your owner George ha?!!"

he gets it back on his lap caressing it.

A smile forms my lips seeing him,I turn to leave the room when

"I slept soundly after a long time!I guess ......you were right,I just needed someone by my side.thankyou"

I halt in my way,as my heart rate turns fast...

"I- I ..um,I'll see you downstairs!" And I run for my life, closing his door behind.he chuckles at my behavior

I get inside the guest room and close the door,whst is this feeling ,my body tingles up even at the small contact of him,I'm gonna go insane!!

I change back to my dress after freshning up,I go downstairs to see chaos in the kitchen

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