Chapter 21: A Cute Little Blonde Version Of Satan

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"Anywhere, I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you."

Song: Say Something ~ A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera


21. A Cute Little Blonde Version Of Satan

It was not a good day.

Well, it wasn't so bad up until this point.

I knew freaking out wasn't going to help, but witnessing all this going down triggered my own anxiety, I won't lie.

Shit Shayley, don't stand there and be fucking useless.

I thought back to this morning. Damn Liam and his crazy ideas.


Hours earlier...

"Why rock climbing?" Jacob asked.

"Trust me," Liam said, smiling in satisfaction. "Today is a day we all need."

Just then, the door opened and Renée walked in, or rather marched.

"You idiot," she began, hitting Liam's shoulder repeatedly with her small fists. "I fall asleep before you and this is what you do?"

"I told you sharing a bed with me was a risky move," Liam shrugged.

"I assumed it was because you took up all the space, which you do by the way, or that you snored or I don't know, farted in your sleep! Not because you drew on people's faces."

Liam narrowed his eyes. " this a game of two truths and a lie? Because I guarantee two of those things you mentioned are completely true."

I looked at her face and burst out laughing. Liam had drawn a mustache and beard on her face, in addition to the unibrow he created by connecting her eyebrows together.

Renée turned, probably to snap at me, but her lips formed a smirk instead. "Well well well, look at you two getting all chummy."

My face immediately heated up. Jacob and I were probably looking like a married couple laying in bed, my head on his shoulder and his arm around me.

"Why aren't you up yet?" Liam questioned him. "Get up and go get ready."

Jacob rolled his eyes but slipped his body from under me, sitting up and getting off the bed. I fought the urge to reach for his hand and pull him back down so he could stay with me a while longer.

"I'll see you," he said to me before walking out, not without giving Liam the middle finger of course.

"You too Shayley," he told me. "Come on."

I chuckled and sat upright.

"Well I'm going to wash this off my face," Renée announced, glaring at Liam. "You better be out of here before I choke you when I'm done."

Liam rose an eyebrow. "Kinky."

She only threw her hands up in exasperation before making her way to the bathroom.

Liam grinned, staring at her as she walked away. "She's like a cute little blonde version of satan when she's pissed isn't she?"

"Fuck off Henry!" she yelled, probably hearing his comment.

I laughed. Liam really liked her, I could see it in his eyes.

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