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< Monday >

Today I have a doctors appointment to make sure I'm really pregnant and go figure out how far along I am. I have to go completely alone. Ashton's not allowed to come because of the Covid restrictions.

We decided to just keep the 'pregnant' thing quiet for now. The only one who knows anything at all is Grace and she promised to not tell Calum. We'd rather have like a confirmation before we tell anyone.

My wake up call came at 4:30 am. My stomach was feeling uneasy, causing me to wake up. I laid there for a minute, hearing Ashton's snores in my ear, until the uneasiness started to rise. Jumping out of bed, I ran into the attached bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach,

"Baby?" Lazily Ashton walked in. His eyes were still half shut but he sat down on the floor behind me, pulling my body back into his, "You okay?"

"I'm tired" I whined,

"I know" Ashton laughed, "What time is your doctors appointment?"

"10 am" I yawned, slowly standing and making my way to the sink to brush my teeth.

I climbed back in bed and dragged Ashton down with me, curling next to him and resting my head on his chest.

"Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up in time to get ready" Ashton kissed my head and pulled the covers up a little higher.


When I woke up again, Ashton wasn't in bed and it was about 8:30.

Climbing out of bed, I walked down the hall and found Ashton in the kitchen, just like most mornings, except he was dressed this morning. Usually he's just in his boxers. He had on his black jeans and a black shirt that hugs his body just right.

Walking up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and let my head rest on his back.

"I was just about to come wake up" Ashton laughed, turning around so he could face me, "Feeling okay?"

"Right now I am" I smiled, going up on my toes to kiss him, "You going somewhere? You're dressed"

"I'm driving you to the doctor. I know I can't go in but I want to be there so I'll wait in the car" he told me. My heart bursted with how sweet that was.

"Go get dressed and I'll buy you coffee on the way" Ashton laughed then pushed me towards his room.


I was a nervous wreck on the drive. My hands were shaking and I could barely drink my coffee. Ashton's hand found its way to mine, his thumb rubbing reassuring circles on mine.

Ashton pulled into the parking garage and backed in a spot on the level I had to go in on.

"Good luck baby" Ashton gave me a quick peck before I opened my door. I put on my mask and grabbed the papers I had to fill out previous to this appointment and headed inside.

"Good morning! What's the last name?" The receptionist beamed,

"Oakley" I nodded and handed her the papers I'd brought. They were just medical papers on both Ashton and me.

"Okay. This is your first appointment. Just take a seat and we will be right with you" she told me. I nodded and went and took a seat away from everyone.

I was getting some looks from the people inside. There was only about four others. Two maybe in their 30's then a girl who couldn't have been older than 18 and her mother. The girl just kept staring at me,

"Aren't you Ashton Irwin's girlfriend?" She questioned. I had a slight panic moment. Ashton and I wanted to keep this quiet for a bit,

"Yeah that's me" I sighed. She just nodded then thankfully I was called back.

"Good morning Miss Oakley. I'm Doctor Birk. I'm just going to start with some questions" the lady told me. She was nice.

I nodded to her,

"Okay so when did you take a pregnancy test and how far along do you think you might be?" She asked, grabbing her clipboard.

"I took three tests on Tuesday and they were positive. Then I took another on Friday and it was positive" I told her, "If I had to guess, I'd say about a month along. That's how long I've been sick"

"Okay. I'm going to do some blood work, get a urine sample, then I'm going to do an ultrasound. We should be able to see the baby and take a guess on how far you may be" Doctor Birk said then excused herself to go get the things for blood work.

She came back and took blood then I peed in a cup, which I did not enjoy, then laid me back on the table and lifted my shirt. She put the gel on and started moving around.

I looked over at the screen and saw a little blob. My eyes started filling up.

"There's your baby" Doctor Birk told me and pointed. I nodded and tears started falling,

"How about we listen to the heartbeat" she spoke and moved some stuff. Suddenly the small 'thumps' filled the room and more tears fell. It was hard to believe but I was happy. I just wish Ashton could be in here right now. He'd be bawling like a baby.

"You're 6 weeks pregnant" Doctor Birk told me as she looked at some papers. Damn, that long?

"Can I get a picture of the ultrasound?" I asked quietly,

"Of course" she smiled, did a few things then handed me the film of photos. I smiled as I looked at them. I couldn't wait to show Ashton.

"You're all set. I'll see you back in 4 weeks. You can schedule your appointment online" she told me. I got cleaned up and thanked her, grabbing my stuff and walking out to the parking garage. I all but ran to the car.

I pulled open the passenger door on Ashton's Range Rover and climbed in the seat. I pulled my mask off and shoved the ultrasound photos in his hand,

"Oh-oh my god!" He grinned and I saw his eyes filling with tears, "That's our baby" he looked at me as the first tear fell.

I nodded and he leaned over and kissed me,

"6 weeks Ash!" I smiled. Ashton looked back at the photos then to me again,

"I know this was all unplanned, but I'm really happy" he told me,

"I'm happy too babe" I smiled and placed a long kiss on his lips.

"Now to tell our family and friends"

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