i | lavender blood

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quick intro and then back to your regularly scheduled (grammatically correct) reading

taurus, virgo, libra, sagittarius, aquarius, capricorn

aries, gemini, cancer, leo, scorpio, pisces

(berlusconi) sagittarius, aquarius, scorpio, capricorn

(ambrosino) taurus, aries, cancer, libra

(decavalcantes) virgo, gemini, leo, pisces

September 9, 1984

The storm painted the bleak night sky, it wasn't going to be pretty. His hand fumbled on the trigger in his coat pocket with torment and the knot in his stomach grew larger and larger until it was hopeless to neglect. The man's lip quivered as he grew ever nearer to 2:47 am, and the impulse to turn around and forget the whole thing ever happened became stronger with every resounding step against the creamy linoleum.

2:45 a.m

The sound of his corduroys chafing was the only sound other than the scribbling of pen and the loud clunk of his loafers hitting the tiles. 

2:46 a.m

He reaches for the gun, the cold metal turns his alabaster fingertips a rosy shade of pink, he clicks the safety. Unease floods the air.

2:47 a.m

The shot of a gun echoes throughout the streets of Chicago, it's the end of an era and the end of  Mr. Porter Hill.

2:48 a.m

It's over.


In the Berlusconi crime family, no one was really related anymore. The main contenders consisted of 4 borderline teenagers that made their way up in the ranks due to a mix of unfortunate circumstances and general skill. The four consisted of Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio and Capricorn. They had their ups and downs but ultimately they managed to run the west side of Chicago good enough to keep peace between smaller criminals all the while securing a steady cashflow for themselves.Sagittarius was the public face or leader, Aquarius was the mastermind, Scorpio made sure no one went out of line and Capricorn was the bookkeeper, treasurer and negotiator. They were all very well known around the city, especially the west side. They all looked at each other as equals and trusted their inner circle with everything.They were on neutral terms with the other major gangs in the city and hoped that it would stay that way, if not get better. Berlusconi was known for straying away from violence unless necessary. That ideology, however, led citizens to believe that they weren't as strict and their rules could be broken, this was not the case as they managed to prove repeatedly.


The Ambrosino crew was known for their brutality, their consequences but more importantly their services. They were known for being very violent but they could get you anything you could ever wish for. The group was comprised of Aries, Taurus, Cancer and Libra. They prioritized reputation over anything, and if that meant compromising their relationships with other gangs then so be it. They famously lived a lavish life, owning multiple night clubs and houses for their subordinates on the East coast. They were known as suppliers if not anything else. Libra made public appearances, giving updates on their stock and supply and appearing in news papers, always pampered in sleek black dresses and pearls. Taurus managed money and budgeting and deciding their next plans. Cancer acted as an appointment manager, he talked to clients and made sure they got their orders and paid well and if they didn't then that's where Aries came in. He was lesser known amongst the public but still managed to have a lasting effect on whoever came in contact with him, even if it were just a glance.The Ambrosino's were on good terms with the Berlusconis but unfortunately, their need for revere jeopardized their relationship with the Decavalcantes' which was pivotal in their operations but due to pride and other arrogance related reasons, their bond would be one to never fully heal.


You would never hear the name Decavalcantes without a slight eerie tone to the air, almost all of the arranged murdering, fraud, counterfeiting and whatever else in Chicago and other parts of Illinois could be traced back to the Decavalcantes. Virgo, Gemini, Leo and Pisces, were the leaders of the North end. Leo was the leader because he had a way with words that entranced the public, Virgo was the 'smart' one, she made arguments for all the big decisions until they came with a consensus. Virgo did the math, the money work and budgeting and expenses, deploying people where she saw fit and Pisces answered calls and responded to requests and Gemini would talk to suppliers and other service providers. It was a foolproof operation that had been run for centuries.

first chapter is done! kinda cool hope you liked it, please vote comment and whatever else you feel like doing, ill try and update weekly but idk if i can, it'll probably just be random splurges and then silence for a month but!! ee!

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