ii | blue hawaiian

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warnings for the (whole) book: violence, swearing, drug abuse

chapter 2, blue hawaiian

August 30 1984
Sagittarius was cornered, initially she wanted to buy eggs for the rest of the Berlusconi's inner circle but she found herself with a colt M45 pointed in between her eyes. She couldn't help but be a little bit nervous, she scanned the area and looked for all of the plausible outcomes and only a few would be in her favour. She rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak but the man cut her off.

"You killed my parents," He was clearly nervous, not much younger than Sagittarius "now it's your-"

Sagittarius snapped his elbows upwards, flinging the gun out of his hand, she pushed him down and stepped on his chest.

"And I'd do it again." she spat before sending a bullet in his brain and then walking to the supermarket to buy eggs.

"Nice one, Sagi" Scorpio emerged from seemingly nowhere, smiling at the girl and happy to see her. There was an ongoing bet between Capricorn and Aquarius to see who would make the first move. You see, Sagittarius and Scorpio were both very flirty yet stubborn characters and ever since the four had met there was an undeniable tension between the two and even though only Capricorn and Aquarius were verbal about it, I think they all wanted it to happen to a certain degree.

"How long have you been there?" Sagittarius groaned, but couldn't contain her smile to see the scruffy blonde

"How long were you gone?" Sagittarius gently punched him and he laid a gentle kiss on her forehead.
You see, what I forgot to tell you is that the two had been dating in secret for 2 years now and kept it secret because they knew it drove Aquarius and Capricorn nuts.
Sagittarius grabbed his tie and pulled him in closer for a full kiss and then they heard a glass shattering behind them, just before their lips met. They whipped around to see an excited Aquarius and a bummed out Capricorn. Sagittarius scratched the back of her neck and nervously glanced at Scorpio.

"We've been dating for 2 years." Sagittarius slurred her words together quickly

"You WHAT?!" Capricorn and Aquarius said in unison

"Yeah," Sagittarius fumbled with her words "Scorpio asked me out two summers ago, we were gonna tell you on our anniversary but-"

"So I win?" Capricorn asked

"Yeah but-" Sagittarius began

"Oh okay, so why am I still here?" Capricorn complained

"Leave then, I don't care"

And with that Capricorn and Aquarius left Scorpio and Sagittarius to get eggs.



"Whats poppin?" Aquarius giggled at her own joke

"I," Capricorn had to pause to take in the utter stupidity of the girl sitting across from her "do you ever get scared?"

"How can you not be scared?" Aquarius' demeanour changed quickly "We are always in a state of danger, you just deal with it."

"And you're okay with that?" Capricorn pried

"You're not?" Aquarius hissed back "This is how we live and we deal with it."

"I guess you're right"

"I'm always right."

kind of a short chapter but i might pub it with the next one just so you get loads of content but also do you guys like it when i find pictures of like anime characters so you have a visual of what the characters look like or??? idk just let me know and i'll be sure to add them :)

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