iv | retrospective blur

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chapter 4, retrospective blur

august 30, 1984
10 days before the assassination

The only sound was that of Gemini's steps echoing as he walked throughout the hallways of one of the most exclusive clubs in Illinois, only now it was closed to the public. The Decavalcantes owned the Ace with the Berlusconi's and were happy about it, they wanted to strengthen the relationship between the two groups and rekindle the peace between them and the Ambrosino's, the only reason their relationship faltered was because of 'internal affairs' for lack of a better term, so when Gemini got a message from the Ambrosino's very own Cancer on meeting them at the ace, they were more than delighted.
Gemini pulled out a chair and waited for one of their people to show. Low and behold, the clicking of heels soon interrupted Gemini's thoughts

"Mi," Libra's lips were painted a deep crimson red, her pristine black dress met her ankles and pearls choked her, her platinum blonde hair fell over her shoulders and the white clutch in her hand tied the look together "long time no see"

"Good to know you haven't changed a bit," Gemini deadpanned "I thought you didn't want anything to do with us?"

"That was," Libra's eyes trailed down, "until we realized reuniting the three big families was in all of our interests"

"Why would it benefit us?" Gemini looked puzzled

"The cops are going to make a big strike on all of us at some point," Libra explained "So it would be smart if we all teamed up"

"Okay, and the benefits?" Gemini queried, scared to jump into a relationship that was so quickly cut off for no reason

"We're all meeting on the 8th of September at the fireside lounge to plan out details, bring the core four of your group and then you'll find out,"

"Understood," Gemini put his newsboy cap on and walked out

"Wait," Libra called after him, he turned to her, "will we ever be the same again?"

"No." Gemini hissed and continued walking until he was out of her view.


"So what's happening?" Leo questioned, twirling a knife between his fingers

"We're meeting them and the Berlusconi's at the fireside lounge on September the 8th," Gemini clarified, "they want to rework the alliance and for all of us to be there,"

"That can be arranged," Virgo commented, "we've never met face to face with the Berlusconi's, am I correct?"

"Well," Pisces piped up "only Capricorn but we've seen Sagittarius on television and such,"

"Okay," Leo began  "so this will be a first for everyone?"

"Yeah," Virgo responded smiling "Also, Mi?"


"Did Libra give you any troubles?"

"Not really," Gemini was surprised she worried about him, "I think she might want to get back together, or maybe just be friends but either way I'm not interested,"

"That's what I like to hear!" Leo roared "My boy is getting over his pain!"

"Yeah," Gemini chuckled, "I guess,"


Leo's blonde hair fell in front of his downturned eyes in small wisps, his parched lips barely made a smile as he walked up to the podium for his press conference that happens every six months, this shouldn't  happen for  the majority of mobsters but Leo and the rest of the Decavalcantes were very over-elaborate people.

"Good morning, Chicago," He greeted the masses, "My name is, Leo Keahi, please take this time to ask any questions you might have,"

He fixed his suit slightly before  pointing to one reporter and waiting for her question

"How are you so young and run a mafia?"

Leo paused before he responded, "well, it's not hard," he earned a few laughs

"What's going on between you and the Ambrosino's?"

"We're currently forming a new alliance"

"What new alliance?"

"Unfortunately," Leo spoke delicately "we cannot give out any details at  this time,"

"Is Virgo," the man hiccupped between his slurred words, he was evidently drunk, "single?"

"Go home, sir,"

"What is the relationship between Gemini Brisa and Libra Scirocco?"

"There isn't one," Leo declared "next?"

"Do you see yourself buying a new club in the near future?"

"We only have the fireside for business meetings and for everyone in Chicago to have a fun time," Leo said "not for now, but I wouldn't be so surprised if the Ambrosino's did"

"Are the citizens of Chicago safe?"

"From what?" Leo looked dumbfounded

"From the mafias?"

"Yes," Leo retorted quickly "of course,"

His charming smile made the crowd go wild as he stepped down off the pedestal and Virgo ran up to him, in disguise of course, clutched his arm and whispered, "You did great"


so that was the last introduction chapter!  im super excited because i know exactly what im doing with this book  and i think  there will  be around 22 chapters left, there are a few new characters i need to introduce but next chapter will be the day before the assassination aka the day of their meeting and then the next will be the day of so im so so  excited to see how this turns out

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