v | up on the sun

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chapter 5, up on the sun

september 8th, the fireside lounge
1 day before the assassination of porter hill

Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio and Sagittarius were all in the car discussing offers they could make, because despite them being one of the biggest crime families in Chicago, they didn't have much material to offer.

"We could offer whatever they ask for," Sagittarius proposed, Scorpio's arm was snaked around her shoulders "I mean strategically of course, our main goal is to have the three main groups together."

"I think that's what they want too," Capricorn thought aloud, clearly trying to scrape the barrel for solutions "we might be able to offer protection because we control the smaller families and gangs of Chicago,"

"That's what we should start with," Scorpio declared, "and then if they should ask for more we can comply,"

The car came to a stop in front of the fireside lounge and the pushed the door and they walked in.

The only thing on Sagittarius' mind was how much she loved scorpio, that was until her eye's met with those of Gemini's.


Gemini lead them back to a red booth that could fit all twelve of them that was positioned in a semi-circle.

"Good afternoon," Libra gestured to everyone "now that everyone is here we can discuss the alliance,"

"We don't want anything from you," Cancer added, "we just want to make peace amongst us,"

"Why," Aquarius queried

"Because," Aries began, "we all know that the police want us to go down- hard, and if anything big happens we will all collectively be blamed for it,"

"We all need to share our resources, though" Libra kept glancing back at Gemini, "it's the smartest solution,"

"We can give our protection," Aquarius offered

"We can give our supplies," Taurus chimed in

"We can give our services and employees," Pisces smiled along

"We should all also plan on living together," Capricorn added, "so we have all of our affairs together if we want to have maximum security,"

"She raises a fair point," Gemini added, "but who has enough space?"

"We certainly do," Libra smiled at the boy, reminiscing of the good times, "we should also make the alliance public to let the police know that we have numbers now,"

"I agree," Aquarius responded, "and all of us should be there so we can assert dominance,"

"I can let the girls go through my closet so they can find something fancy to wear to the press conference," Libra smiled, "should they not have anything else."

"That sounds great," Sagittarius beamed, "when can one be held?"

"Whenever you so choose," Leo cut in, "I had one nine days ago, but I'm sure I can make something work for today,"

"I'll pick somethings out of my closet for you girls and you can all grab your stuff to move into our house," Libra giggled welcomingly and every one departed only to return within the next two hours.


this is just an excuse for me to look at pretty dresses

this is just an excuse for me to look at pretty dresses

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