vi | nausea

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chapter 6, nausea

september 9
the day of the assasination

"Okay," Leo bellowed throughout the house "WHO DID IT?!"

"did what...?" Aquarius drowsily whispered to herself as she woke up,

She was alone in a large master bedroom, as everyone else was when they woke up. She threw on a white shirt and grey sweats on and went to brush her teeth before walking downstairs. She took in everything about the bathroom, from the smooth counters to the large roman bath. She decided to wash her hands after she put her toothbrush back in its bag. She noted the warm water spilling over her tired hands, the way the floral aroma of the soap deluged her senses and the soft noise of the water cuffing the cast-iron sink. She reached for the cotton towel beside the sink and felt the way the bristles gently scrubbed her skin free of any extra water.

This was luxury.

Her hand rested on the banister as she walked down the steep stairs into the main area,

"Was it you?"

Aquarius snapped out of her trance, "what?"

"Did you kill him?"

"Chill," Aquarius bit her lip "Who is he?"

"Porter Hill,"

"Well obviously not," Aquarius seemed taken aback, "did anyone else here?"

She noticed everyone else was there, dressed and ready to go.

"No," Leo looked at the ground

"Okay," Aquarius rubbed her eyes, "if we're going to have an alliance together we all have to trust that everyone is telling the truth and in turn, everyone has to tell the truth,"

"No one here did it," Cancer argued

"Okay," Virgo sneered, "we're still gonna get blamed for it though,"

"Not if we solve the case," Sagittarius encouraged everyone to look on the bright side

"She has a point," Scorpio said holding her close to him, she politely brushed him off in response

"We can divide ourselves up into teams," Capricorn offered, "depending on our strengths and weaknesses,"

"A group of us can find suspects and when we have them everyone else can follow up on those leads," Aquarius suggested, "but first I'm gonna get dressed,"

"Okay," Leo seemed less agitated than before Aquarius had came down, "we'll say Aquarius, V, and Taurus?"

"That's okay with me," Virgo said looking at Taurus who just nodded, "I'm sure Aquarius is fine with it too."

"What do the rest of us do?" Gemini asked

"Whatever, for now," Taurus smiled, "for now at least, we'll need you in the near future."

"Okay, that's cool."

"Scorp?" Sagittarius whispered to the boy next to her, he looked down smiling, "I think we should talk- in private,"

The two walked out of the main area, to the upstairs into Sagittarius' room.


"Why are you being so protective?" Sagittarius spat

"We're in a group of tons of new people," Scorpio hissed back, "don't you think I should be worried I might lose you to Gemini or someone else?"

"I'm my own person," her voice rose, "if I want to leave you for someone else then maybe I will."

"2 years," he growled "for shit, just for some black haired edgy boy,"

"I don't want to end this," she cried back

"For shit you don't,"

I'm being serious, Scorp,"

"Then why won't you stop flirting with Gemini?"

"Because," she was at a loss for words

"fuck you Sagittarius,"

"Scorp," she lost her train of thought

"Don't fucking call me that," Scorpio's voice rang through her ears " if you want to save this relationship then you're going to have to fight for it,"

"Scorpio," Sagittarius' voice trembled, he didn't want to admit it but seeing how sad he was making her was hurting him, "why are you making this discussion into more than it is?"

"Because I think," he paused, "I think things were better when no one knew about us,"

"That's evidently not it,"

"You're right," Scorpio pursed his lips "this feels forced,"

She looked at him as both of their tones softened, "is this it?"

"I think so," Scorpio looked at her with despair in his eyes "can we argue it out so we have nothing to be mad at afterwards?"

"I think that's the only solution," tears welled up in the corners of her eyes as they began to send insults and curses at each other until there was nothing else to say. They gave one last kiss good bye and felt confident that the two of them could remain friends after the fact.

"Scorpio," Sagittarius finally looked at the boy in a new light "I don't think those 2 years were a waste,"

His interest was piqued, "how so?"

"I don't think we were ever really dating," she said "we didn't do the average couple things like kiss or hold hands, I think we were just close friends but we labelled it something that it wasn't,"

"I think that's why we both knew deep down it would never work,"

"We can go back to being best friends," Sagittarius began, "right Scorp?"

He chuckled before ruffling her hair and nodding in agreement.


The shouts had calmed down, and they watched the two walk down together, happy.

"Are you two..?" Taurus began to ask

"No," Sagittarius cut her off, "we broke up,"

"But we're confident we can stay best friends," they both shared a smile before sitting at opposite ends of the tables.


It might be hard to believe, but Scorpio and Sagittarius did end up sharing a happy and healthy relationship. They were right when they said their relationship was just a glorified friendship, they were much happier in the coming months as friends than they ever were when they were together.


"Sag?" Gemini came up behind her as she was sitting on the balcony

"Oh, hey Mi," She smiled

"How are you feeling?"

"A little down," she said, "I'm not sad we broke up, I'm just scared that it might never be the same again."

"How long did you guys date for?"

"2 years ish?"

"WHAT" he screamed, "I thought you said it wasn't that serious?"

"I won't lie," she laughed "I'm really into you,"

"So how about that coffee now?"

She couldn't help but giggle as he lead her off


"So," Virgo began, "We've narrowed it down to 4 suspects."


three chapters in one day?!?!!?!?!? what is this?!!?!?!??? mania??!?!?!!? anyways next chapter will be posted with this one because its just suspect profiles that i curated myself tehe anyways um

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