ix | gold sounds

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chapter 10, gold sounds

"Should we run over the plan once more?" Taurus asked before the three walked into the man's apartment

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"Should we run over the plan once more?" Taurus asked before the three walked into the man's apartment

"That's probably our safest bet," Virgo responded, glancing at Capricorn

"Why don't we just tell him we're part of the mafia," Capricorn droned, "we have shit on him so he has to answer truthfully,"

"We can't!"

"Well we would get in less trouble if we got caught," 


"And after, we can use the police officers to go to the scene," Capricorn begged,

"Fine." Virgo complied, "Go. Now."

They all walked up to the man's door, Taurus' hand rested on her gun as Virgo knocked on the door

"Virgo Clary?" the man slurred his words together

"Joseph wood?"

"I knew you were single!" He exclaimed, about to put a hand on her shoulder, to which Taurus drew her gun, "more than one? perfect,"

"Listen," Taurus growled, "I don't know if you know why we're here, but I'll let you know right now that it's not what you think, you're clearly not sober right now so you'd better change that quick or something else is going to change and you're not going to like it,"

"Hey, hey," he  put his hands down ushering her to calm down, "come in let's talk,"

She begrudgingly put her gun back in it's holster after a glance from Virgo. Capricorn looked at her weirdly before she mouthed "or something else is going  to change and you're not going to like it???" to which Taurus flipped her off and shoved her inside his house.

"Mr. Woods," Capricorn announced, "I'll make this short and simple,"

she put her hand forcefully onto the table, Taurus nor Virgo had seen this side of her before

"We have evidence of you walking into a bar known for its assassination business, we talked to the bartender and he said you  were  either looking to be hired or to hire someone," Capricorns voice was harsh and she was faking all of it, she was resisting every  urge to frantically apologize to the man, "so you're gonna tell us ALL of your involvement with the Porter Hill  case or we will get you in serious trouble you can't get out of."

The man put his drink down on the coffee table, and leaned forward until his hot breath hit her face causing her to resist wincing. His eyes met hers, and he ruggedly spat,

"Make me a coffee."


He sobered up with the coffee that Virgo had meticulously prepared, going through sample runs and  trying different mixtures of  cream and sugar and whatever else. He drank it quickly and asked for a second, leaving virgo to nearly cry. She went off to the kitchen while Taurus and Capricorn pressed him for answers.

"Where were you at the time of the murder, close  to 3am on Sunday September the 8th?"

"I can't remember," he hissed

"bull shit," Taurus growled

"Seriously," He slumped backwards, "I was blackout drunk as per usual, I hate Porter Hill and I wouldn't mind if I got blamed for it because he's an asshole."

"So you admit that it could be you?"

"Maybe," He snarled, "look, it wasn't me, I can tell you that. If it were me I would be open about it, he destroyed my life and I don't think prison is a step down from how I'm living."

"What do you do for a living now that you're unemployed?" 

"I don't do anything," he responded, his tone seemed relaxed for once, "I live off of credit cards and now I'm in debt greater than you could imagine,"

"When did you last see the deceased?"

"April 2, the day I was fired,"

"How would you remember if you did it or not if you were piss drunk?"

"I would've written it down, I'm smart with those things,"

"Um," Virgo bit her lip, "sure you are,"

"Do you own a firearm?"

"No, I don't have the money nor one nor the use"

"Do you suspect anyone else?"

"No," he said taking a sip from the coffee virgo just placed in front of him, "I keep my nose out of his shit, I want nothing to do with it,"

"What were you doing in the assassination building?"

"I was looking for work," he sighed, "they turned me down and said they didn't want anymore help right now but they'd give me a call,"

"I hope you know," Taurus was about to lie, "you're the prime suspect,"

"That's fine," He said ushering them out of his house.

They left unsatisfied, they were no where near solving the mystery and this conquest that took a whole four hours of their life put them no where closer. Virgo started the car and the other two took their respective seats as they started towards the crime scene,

"Are we going to die?" Capricorn's voice was weary, about to break

"Probably," Virgo responded dryly, "but you were great in there,"

"Thanks V," Capricorn smiled, "your coffee was great, and Taur?"


"You were so quick at coming up with questions it was so cool!"

They kept talking about how eachother were great and somehow, they were happy despite the inevitable.


"Chief, there's no evidence"

"That doesn't matter," he responded, "dead men tell no tales,"


ninth chapter, these interrogation chapters are so draining but so fulfilling when i finish them like!!! aa i feel great knowing i got through it, but i start school on friday so wish me luck before i die cause im doing full ib and two part time jobs. rip in chat am i right fellas? anyways i hope you liked this chapter, ill try and post again soon.

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