iii | mollys lips

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chapter 3, mollys lips

August 30, 1984
"Hold," Taurus said calmly

"Hold," Cancer repeated

"Hold," Libra smiled

"RAISE 30!" Aries screamed shoving his chips in the middle, and the remaining three put their cards down

"Nice poker face, A" Libra giggled ruffling his hair as he just sat down with a pout.

"Anyways," Taurus said shuffling the cards "I think we should focus on our game plan against the Decavalcantes."

"Or," Libra offered "we could make peace with them in case anything should happen in the future where we have to work with them"

"What are you saying?" Aries hissed "We work alone, you know this Lib"

"Yeah," Libra began "but the cops are avidly trying to take all three of the major gangs down and if one thing goes wrong we're all suspects and they'll pin it on us without evidence"

"She has a point," Cancer chimed in "but we have people in the police force,"

"As if one or two people will stop the entire thing from excusing us as criminals," Aries said lowly "If anyone is of the hook, it's the Berlusconis, they don't take any assassination requests without reason, they rarely steal and when they do it's just random muggings, they get their money from selling necessities for cheaper prices in areas where there isn't a lot of commerce or wealthy citizens, they're not rich but they're safe"

"So it really comes down to us and the Decavalcantes, huh?" Taurus pursed her lips and emitted a guilty sigh, "So what? We bring them a basket of cookies, like they'd even trust us."

"We'll invite one of their correspondents over and discuss details, we might have to offer them full access to our weapon arsenal," Libra said "on the condition they return them after use"

"So it's settled," Aries begrudgingly agreed, "we will become allies with the Decavalcantes"

Taurus reluctantly nodded along while Cancer and Libra mentally cheered.

"While we're at it, should we make peace with the Berlusconis or?"

"We're not on bad terms per say, but we're indifferent so, I suppose, if they vouch for us it would look good on us," Taurus responded to Cancer's proposition

"I'll make sure the message gets out to them," Cancer smiled and walked out to his office

"Cance, wait!" Libra called, he turned to her, "Thank you"

He nodded in response before officially leaving.


"Aries," Taurus looked up from her stacks of papers and receipts "why did you give them the okay for our peace treaty?"

"Because it's good strategy, they brought up really good points," He said, turning to the redhead "I don't want to go under because of someone else"

"Fair," Taurus pursed her lips "I guess"

He glanced back at her before returning to his desk and writing down orders and payment tracking strategies.


"Bang and bang" Aries didn't need to make the sound effects as he fired two bullets in to the brain of an unfortunate patron.

He heard a gasp coming from behind him, he cocked his gun and spun around slick as the rain, his lips made a scowl and his brows furrowed,

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