viii | old to begin

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chapter 8, old to begin

fire signs investigation

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fire signs investigation

"Do you guys think it's worth it?" Sagittarius' voice broke the quiet

"Worth what?" Aries  furrowed his brows as his posture wilted

"This investigation," she bit her lip, "how do we know any of our suspects are the culprit?"

"We don't," Leo retorted, his voice passionless, "I guess that's the mystery,"

"Who would be to blame if we waste all this time trying to pin something on someone who didn't do anything?" Aries glanced at the ground

"There is no one to blame," Sagittarius said lowly, "we're all in this together and there's no point in 'blaming' anyone,"

The rest of the drive was noiseless, the address was somewhere in central Chicago, they had only personally been two or three times each. They had only just met one another but they all managed to get along aptly, despite Aries anger issues, Leo's insecurity issues and Sagittarius'... issue issues. The silence wasn't depraving or compromising but welcomed and a time of equanimity amid the high stakes that were sempiternally influencing them into doing better than their best. 

As Aries pulled over in front of Henry Brown's residence, he admonished the two others to get out beforehand so he could drive away. The plan was that Leo and Sagittarius would go to Henry Brown's house using the badges and ID of the officer's they had on the inside, Aries would drive off due to his reactive temper and how that might impede the investigation.

Leo lit a cigarette before knocking on the door, it swung open to reveal a woman who stood around 5'4, ginger hair and green eyes.

She blinked, waiting for the two to introduce themselves.

"Detectives Woods and Ace," Leo hesitated a little bit, "we're here to ask your husband a few questions,"

"You're that mafia fellow," her voice was hoarse, "Leo K something?"

"I get that a lot," he chuckled heartily, "Tyler Woods,"

Leo held out his hand, the woman turned on her heel and called for her husband, he soon arrived.

"Officers," he greeted warmly, "come in, please make yourself at home,"

They took a seat on the leather couch.

"Henry," Sagittarius began, "I would like to begin this with you're in no way in trouble, we just need to ask a few questions,"

"Of course," Henry's smile was almost contagious, "anything you need,"

"You understand this visit is pertaining the murder of your late boss?"

"Yes," Henry bit his lip, "it was a tragedy,"

"You are currently a prime suspect, you deserve to know,"

"Initially," Henry's brow furrowed, "I thought it was the mafia, that or, they were going to blame it on them,"

"We did too," Sagittarius looked up to her counterpart, "where were you at approximately 2:50am on September 9th?"

"Well," Henry began, "It was a Saturday night, or perhaps, a Sunday morning and I was at Delilah's, ask the bartender- Dennis, I think?"

"Do you own a firearm of any kind?"

"2," Henry replied reluctantly, "but god knows I would never use them,"

"Which two firearms?"

"a 38 caliber six shot revolver," Henry started, "and a chamber length shotgun."

"That was rather specific,"

"I would like to help in anyway possible," Henry's head bobbed methodically as he spoke

"When was the last time you were at your job?"

"September the seventh," Henry paused to calculate the days before speaking, "the Friday prior to the incident,"

"Is it true you were underpaid by a rather large amount?"

"Yes," Henry looked lost, "I knew you would bring that up,"

"Any counter against that motive?"

"No," Henry responded, his eyes drifted, "I wasn't too upset, I didn't think I could find a better job so I just stuck with it, even if I did kill him, the next guy will probably pay me even less,"

"I see," Sagittarius pursed her lips, "were you on good terms with Mr. Hill?"

"Yes," Henry answered, his demeanour changed instantly, "he disagreed with some of my ideologies but we were still good colleagues,"

"Do you have a history of violence?"

Henry seemed taken aback by the question, "No, I would never harm anyone purposefully,"

"Do you suspect anyone else?"

"No," Henry paused to think, "actually, Haley Conroy, she hated her job solely because of Hill,"

"Thank you, sir," Sagittarius tipped her fake cap, "That will be all,"

and with that, they left."


The three checked his alibi, it was clear, they cross referenced everything and then all they had to do was meet the other 9 at the actual scene of the crime. 
Each group had their own inside sources on the police and it was verified, that the police were going to pin it on the mafia, to take them down once and for all, by using the one crime they didn't commit



"Yes, Huxley?"

"What if we can't trace it back to the mafia?"

"You're joking, right?" the hefty man chuckled, "We don't need to."


aaaa the chapter before this one was arguably the worst one ive ever written, im so sorry for the low quality, I wanted to designate a chapter to each suspect investigation and then one for the crime scene but i felt like if i introduced the concept of it and then put it in this chapter it would take from the content of this one

idk im tired i didn't sleep well last night and i was up all day im about to pass out

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