Chapter Twenty Three: Coma.

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Bilkisu's POV.
Abuja, Nigeria.

Picking up the knife, I ran up to Bibi, who was standing just outside the kitchen. "Keh," I called, "what do you want now?" She groaned. "Do you need a pacifier or something?" she teased.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I slapped her, and immediately her smile turned into a frown. "How dare you?" she shouted. "Who gave you the right to come into my house and then slap me?" I laughed bitterly.
"Let me tell you something..." I began, but was cut halfway when a slap landed on my cheek.
"You slapped me," I screamed, "wlhi bazan yafe bah" (I won't forgive you).

"I would like to see you do your worst," she smiled, walking past me into the kitchen. Oh, I will show you my worst I thought. Bringing out the knife I hid behind me, I walked towards her, and thankfully she wasn't facing me, so I dug the knife into her stomach, and in no time blood started gushing out.

I immediately  regretted what I had just done. But I couldn't give up now; she would die, and in no time, Ayman would be mine.

"Bilkisu, please help me; I am going to die," she croaked, slumping to the floor. "Please help me. Why would you do this bilkisu?" she cried.

"You bibi," I started, "I could help you, but you slapped me and showed me that you don't need help and that you can do everything yourself, so I am sure you will be able to get out of this yourself. Plus if I did help you then you might end up surviving and Ayman might pity you and fall in love with you and that leaves me where? Oh, out of the picture, so I'm sorry but I can't help you" I said, dropping the knife in the sink.

I closed the door and walked back to the sitting room. I was sure she'd be dead by the time Ayman was back, and I would have him all to myself once and for all.

Bibi's POV

I watched in pain as she closed the door and left me on the floor to die. I knew I was not going to make it. The pain in my stomach was increasing. I couldn't hold on any longer. My vision was starting to blur.

"Someone help", I cried, and the last thing I saw was the pool of blood that was starting to stain the tiles around me. With that, I said the shahada and closed my eyes, waiting for the angel of death to come take me with him.

Third-person's POV.

Ayman came home early and met Bilkisu sprawled on the couch in his sitting room. "I thought I told you to stop coming here?" He asked her, "If you want something, just call me, and I will bring it over to you,"  he said, sitting on the chair at the far end of the room.

"But baby, I wanted to come see you, and you weren't picking up your calls, so I decided to come see you," she purred, looking at him like some lost kitten.

"Thank you for coming, Bilkisu. You may leave now. Wait, where is Bibi?" he asked, standing up to look for her.
"I don't know; she's your wife, right? Look for her." she retorted, looking him in the eyes.

Eyeing her, he left the room to go look for her "Bibi." He called, entering her room, the bathroom, and his room, but she wasn't there. Deciding to look for her in the garden, he came downstairs and walked past Bilkisu, not spearing her a glance. He opened the kitchen door and called again, "Bibi," but there was no reply.  He called again, but there was no reply. Turning around, he found a lifeless Bibi on the kitchen floor, laying in her own blood. "Bibi!" he shouted, running over to her. "Speak to me." He called, picking her up in his arms and running out the kitchen door to ask Bilkisu what happened.

"Bilkisu!" he roared. "What did you do to my wife? Why is she like this?" He yelled "answer me,"  but Bilkisu didn't even flinch. She stood there unfazed by his outburst; she was already used to this side of his.

"I don't know what happened to her; she's your wife, isn't she? You should know what happened to her," she said again sitting back down on the chair she occupied earlier.

"Don't back me when I am talking to you; I am not your mate, answer me," he bellowed calmly dropping Bibi on the nearest couch. Something was telling him she had a hand in this.

"Fine," she sighed. "Me and Bibi exchanged words earlier, and so I lied to her and said that I was carrying your child, so she picked up a knife and stabbed herself in the stomach" Don't lie to me, Bilkisu; anyone would know that your lying, Bibi, isn't that foolish, so you better speak up," he said, narrowing his eyes into slits.

"I stabbed her because she slapped me," she said, "You what?" He asked, moving closer as if his ears were deceiving him, "Yes! You heard right, I stabbed her." She exclaimed standing up to meet his height.
"Get out of my house," he yelled, his body shaking with anger.

"But she slapped me," she countered, trying to prove her point. "Out of my house, Bilkisu, and don't you dare come back, ever. I can't love a murder, and I promise you, Bilkisu, if Bibi should die, I will kill you with my own hands," he hissed, "and this is a promise." With that, he picked up his wife's bridal style and left the house.

Ayman's POV.

Dropping her in the back of the car, I ran back to the driver's seat, roaring the car to life. I left the house and headed to the closest hospital. We arrived twenty minutes later due to the traffic, running up to the front desk.

"Please, my wife, she's been stabbed and has lost a lot of blood. Please get the doctor. You need to operate on her now. Please help me." I pleaded, "Don't worry, sir, we will do everything we can to save your wife." She said, running down the hall to get a stretcher. I dropped her on the stretcher and watched as the nurse took her away. Please stay strong. I said to find a chair at the end of the hall to sit down.

Bringing out my phone from my bloody kaftan, I called my parents and Bibi's parents to inform them of the incident, and in no time they all arrived looking disoriented.

"How did this happen?" My father asked, "Father, please not now." I said, looking away. I couldn't tell them; I felt ashamed that I wasn't able to protect my wife.

"Then when is Ayman?" He said, raising his voice, "Don't shout at me, father, please. I beg of you." I countered, my voice sounding strange even to my own ears. "Answer me, what happened?" He asked again. "I was out at work when Bilkisu came over to my house. She got into a fight with Bibi, and in the process, Bilkisu got angry and stabbed Bibi.".

Abba slapped me, and I really deserved that. I wasn't going to protest or ask why he slapped me; I deserved it, and I really did, I got up from the chair and left the hospital to go pray in the nearby mosque.
As if on que, I met the doctor coming out of the theatre. "How is she?" I asked, "Is she still alive?" I asked all at once.

"Yes, she is," he answered, "but she has lost a lot of blood and I am afraid, but her blood group is the rare type and we can't find any in the blood bank." He answered, looking ahead.

"Could you check mine, please? I am sure it will match." I pleaded, hoping it would be a match. "Yes, of course, sir, please follow me." Walking behind him, I said some duas, praying my blood would match hers.

"Sir, please wait for here. Let me get the nurse. I will be back in a few," he said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Oh yeah, sure no problem.".
He came in with a nurse in tow. "Sir, could you please follow her to get the test done? We are running out of time." He stated.

The test was positive. Alhamdulillah, I will be able to give Bibi my blood. I just hope she survives; that's all I want right now.

"It is done, sir. I will need you to rest because you donated a lot of blood, which will require a lot of rest," the nurse advised.
"No, I can't sit down here in the name of resting while my wife is fighting for her life," I argued. "I'm fine, okay, don't worry about me; just please save my wife; that's all I beg of you." She looked at me with hesitation before she nodded.

Going back to the place where the others were, I sat down and continued waiting.

Two hours later.

The doctor came out, and we all rushed to his side. "Please, who is the woman's husband?" He requested, "I am,"  I answered almost immediately, Can I speak to you in private, sir?"

"Yes, sure," I said, unsure of what he was going to say. I hope it's not what I was thinking. Bibi can't die now. I haven't asked for forgiveness. I haven't done a lot of things.

"Ya Allah! Please let Bibi be alive," I prayed as we entered his spacious office. "Have a seat, sir," he offered. "No, I am okay. I will just stand." "Are you sure?" He asked, "Yes, doctor, go on, what is it that you want to talk to me about?" I was getting impatient already.

"You see, sir, we were able to save your wife, but she slipped into a coma, and I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do about it. Take heart, sir; your wife is strong, and I am sure she will win this battle," and with that, he left me standing in my own thoughts.

2 more chapters😢.

Eid mubarak sorry it's coming late tho love u all and stay home stay safe ❤💃.
And please do check out my other book and don't forget to vote comment and share.

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