Chapter 2~ Rescue team?

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*Chief Burns POV*

"Mayday, Mayday, ... *static* ... the ferry ... sinking fast ... people overboard ... NOW!!"

I quickly ran to turn the alarm on and grabbed my police jacket. I slid down the pole leading to the basement as I heard the elevator coming up from the bunker.

"What is it chief, what's the emergency," asked the red fire bot.

"The ferry got caught in the storm. Captain Shaw said that there were also people overboard and that they needed help immediately," I answered. The bots then transformed into their vehicle modes.

   "Cody yo-," "I stay at the command center, got it," He said interrupting me. He ran into the elevator heading to the command tower.

"Rescue Bots, Roll to the Rescue," Heatwave said rolling out with the others behind him.

"Graham, how far out to sea is the ferry?" Kade asked.

"Not too far out, but we're still going to need to use the Darby Ava to get to it," Graham replied while looking at a map.

*Time skip (they're arriving at the scene)*

     Heatwave was clinging to Blades's rope while the others and I were on the boat following them. We were finally able to spot the ferry (because it was raining a lot and beginning to get foggy it was hard to see) and it was sinking. Fast.

     When we finally arrived, I told Boulder and Chase to rescue the people while Heatwave and Blades attended to the ship. Heatwave quickly placed Blades' hook on the railing. Once that was in place he signaled the helicopter that he was done. Blades then flew up vertically, pulling up said ship with him as much as he could so it stopped sinking. "Chief! My kids, They're still inside," the young woman said concerned.

"Those kids and also another girl are still in there. I think they're trapped," captain Shaw said. He was being held by boulder along with the couple. Chase managed to pull both cars on the ship and held the drivers in his servos.

"Alright. Chase help me get to the door," I commanded. He handed Heatwave the people he had and helped me out of his chassis. He held me in front of the door, I tried opening it but it didn't budge. Of course, I went to my next resort. I then tried kicking down the door but it surprise surprise, it didn't open. Chase suddenly punched it open. "Thanks partner," I said.

     As I walked in, water flooded out of the room. I noticed 2 boys huddled together on top of some crates that were stacked. The oldest had an arm wrapped tightly around the youngest and with his other arm gripped the side of the crate. He looked at me and then pointed to the corner of the room. I glimpsed to where he was pointing and saw a teenage girl sitting there. Her head against the wall, knees brought up to her chest, and hands right beside her. I bent and grabbed her wrist. I checked her pulse making sure she was still alive since she wasn't moving at all. She was breathing fine, I guess she was just unconscious. I then noticed that she had a big cut on her right hand bleeding a little but mostly had dried blood on it. I carried the girl in bridal-style, while the boys clung onto my shirt. We then got out of the room and stepped onto Chase's servo.

*Talia's POV*

     My head was pounding so much, it hurt like hell. It feels like I hit my damn head on the wall several times. Oh, wait ... I did. I opened my eyes slightly, adjusting to the light as I did. I felt something wrapped around me, I looked down and saw it was just a seatbelt (so that meant I was in a car). "You ok?" a voice asked. I jumped a little and jerked my head to see a man sitting in the driver's seat.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright, except for this giant headache," I replied rubbing my forehead. "Where are we, it feels like we're moving." I noticed that there were no side windows to this supposed car.

"We're in my police-bot. Right now we're trying to get the ferry back to the docks." He answered pointing at 2 other robots and a helicopter out the window. 'Back to the docks? On Griffon Rock or back to Maine?'

     I then heard someone else say "We're glad you're okay miss." I looked in the backseat and noticed that it was the 2 boys. I sighed in relief knowing that they were indeed safe. "You were pretty brave back there, trying to help these 2 kids even though you didn't know them," the man said.

"It was nothing really," I replied staring out the window. 'All I did was make sure they were safe. I didn't do anything else.' After a few more minutes had passed, the so-called bots got the ferry back in the docks. 'The docks don't look like the ones back on Maine so we should be in Griffon Rock, right?' Suddenly we were jerked back and forth. 'Crap, I did NOT need THIS right now,' I thought to myself as I held my hand over my mouth feeling like I was going to throw up.

     The man then opened a door that almost appeared out of nowhere and stepped out. I followed as well as the boys. When they spotted their parents they ran up to them and hugged them tightly, I smiled.

'Shit, my backpack.' I suddenly remembered. I looked back inside the car only to see nothing. I turned around when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"I think you might be looking for this," the man said as he was handing me the backpack I thought I lost. I grabbed it and thanked him, then a young lady with short brown hair who was wearing a pilot suit came up to me with a med-kit in her hand.

"My name's Dani, Dani Burns. Do you mind if I patch your hand up a bit," she said as she pointed to my stained hand. "R-right," I said. I sat on top of the police car's good as she worked.

"My dad's name is Charlie or chief as others call him," she pointed to the man rescued me.

"My name's Graham and my brother over there is Kade," said a blonde pointing to a red-head who was leaning over on a fire truck.

"My name is Talia, Talia Rose Omerro. I'm not really from around here, first time visiting actually," I replied.

"A tourist then?" asked Kade.

"No, not really. Long story short I found out I have an uncle who lives here and well I'm visiting him for the first time," I said. I then watched as Dani wrapped a bandage over my wound. I winced a little at the pain as she did. It still hurt with slight movement but not as bad as earlier.

     Graham said, "Not to be nosy or anything but we know everyone in Griffon Rock pretty well. We can help you search for your Uncle if you need it." I thought about it for a hot second. I told him that I would really appreciate it.

"His name is Ezra Greene, or as y'all would know him, Dr. Greene I think," I said.

     Everyone went silent for a moment, the family was glancing at each other, then at me.

'What'd I say?'

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