Chapter 4~ Reunion

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*Heatwave's POV*

     I watched as Cody and Talia got into the elevator and left. I waited until they were out of sight to transform out of my alt mode. The others did as well. "Chief was it really necessary to bring Talia along. I mean we already have to hide from everyone else but now she's going to make it even harder," I said crossing my servos against my chassis.

"I know it will be difficult but it's only until she figures out her problem," Chief said. "For now you will just have to go down into the bunker whenever y'all want some space, ok?"

"Fine," I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Why do you and Kade want to get rid of her so badly? She doesn't look like a bad person." Boulder suddenly blurted out.

"That's what I'm wondering," Dani said. A moment of silence went by, everyone was either looking at me or Kade waiting for a response.

"Thanks for that very detailed answer guys," Dani sarcastically said. She headed out with Blades and said she was going out on patrol.

"I'm going to go ask Talia if she wants me to contact Doc Greene since the storm is calming down now," Chief said walking into the elevator.

"Me too," Graham said following his dad.


"I'm hungry. Heatwave let's go to the pizzeria." Kade announced. "Ugh, not again. You BETTER not leave any pepperoni stuck on my seat this time," I said angrily.

*Talia's POV*

"Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it." I said to Cody heading to my room. I closed the door behind me. I sighed in relief, I was finally alone. I liked having my alone time whether it's in my room, outside, the bathroom. Is it just me or am I kind of introverted though? You see, I sometimes get mentally exhausted when I'm around people for too long. But I still go out sometimes. I'm confused.

     I don't know why but I also hate it, and I mean absolutely HATE IT when I feel like crying in front of others. I feel weak and vulnerable like if I do show a lot of emotion someone can use that against me and hurt me even more. I hate this emotional side of me. Ugh! Why am I like this?


     I set my backpack down on a wooden table that was positioned beside the window. I looked inside checking my stuff. My clothes were somewhat wet while my other belongings were dry. When I packed everything I made sure to wrap anything important (like the photo, my charger, earbuds, etc.) with my clothes. I got my phone which was in my back pocket and checked if it still worked.

'Well fuck,' I thought when I kept pressing the power on/ off button but didn't turn on. I threw it in a trash bin, which was beside the table, knowing it won't work anymore. I plopped myself down on the bed my back facing the ceiling and my head buried in my pillow. I was about to scream into my darn pillow until I was interrupted by a sudden knock on my door. "Coming," I said lazily getting up.

    I opened the door and saw Chief and Graham standing there. "Do you need something Chief?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted us to contact Doc er- your uncle so you can see him," he said.

     I thought about it for a hot second and told him ok. "Let me take a shower first and I'll be down in a few, k?" I said.

"Alright." He replied as they both walked away.

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