Chapter 3~ Settling in

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"That ... can't be true. From what we know, Dr. Greene doesn't have a niece. He has a sister named Maura but she doesn't have kids, does she?" Graham said looking at his dad with a confused expression.

"Hm, yeah she's the only family he's ever talked about well besides his parents." The chief responded. They all looked back at me looking like they wanted an explanation.

"Yea um my mother's name is Shanice, Shanice Greene. Not surprised you all haven't heard about her. Though I didn't know I had an aunt, so that's good to know," I said shrugging a little. After a hot second, I heard more thunder. "I guess it's going to keep raining," I mumbled looking up at the sky. It had stopped raining when they secured the ferry and everyone left but now it's going to continue raining, apparently.

"Do you have somewhere to stay?" Dani asked with a concerned look on her face.

"No, not really. I didn't plan on having this little adventure and for it to be pouring outside," I confessed rubbing the back of my neck.

"You can stay with us while you deal with your situation if you want. We have a guest room back at the firehouse, we'll be glad to let you stay there," Answered her father said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother," I replied burrowing my brows. "Plus I do have enough money to stay at a hotel for a night or so."

"Yeah Dad, you sure inviting a random strango off the street to stay with us is the best option?" Kade asked as if he was annoyed by me already. Everyone turned to him a gave him glares. "What?? I'm just saying."

"Kade ... be nice. She did try to help 2 random strangers. She's shown that she isn't going to hurt anyone." said a voice from what I think was a com-link.

"Cody's got a point there," Graham said smiling at Kade who just rolled his eyes.

"You'll get used to him eventually," Dani said. I then felt drops of water falling on me slowly, and then it got faster. 'Why'd it have to rain today? Or better yet why'd I even come on a rainy day. I guess I was that desperate.' We got in the vehicles and drove out of the docks. I rode with the Chief again since his vehicle was the closest. I stared out the window during the ride, watching all the buildings and houses pass.

     Griffon Rock was a small town but it has that 'Your welcome here any time' kind of vibe. You know? I kinda like it. It has small homes, some with dull colors others are very vibrant and colorful. They have stores of all kinds and a bakery a- wait a bakery, oooo I might have to check that out while I'm here. Ugh, I'm making myself hungry.

*Time skip (arriving at the firehouse)*

     After a couple of seemingly long minutes, we arrived at a firehouse, which I guess is where they live, and parked inside their garage. I got out and just surveyed the area (it was a habit of mine, I am pretty paranoid after ... well ... after what I've been through).

"Welcome to the firehouse, or as we call it sweet sweet home," Dani said very cheerfully putting her hands on her hips."I'm glad that I won't be the only girl around here anymore." 'Was it that bad living with so many boys?' I asked myself. Since I didn't have any siblings, I don't really know.

*Cody's POV*

     When I heard engine noises down in the basement I ran and slid down the firemen's pole. I stood there watching them as the bots all parked horizontally from each other.

     Dani told Talia that this was our house and that she's glad to have another girl around. "It's not THAT bad, right sis?" I asked with a smirking while walking up to them.

"That's right lil bro," my sis said while ruffling up my hair. I laughed a little.

"So Talia, right? You want a tour of our house, it'll be for free," I joked.

"Sure," she said slightly smiling. I walked in the elevator gesturing her to follow. I wonder if she's that type of person where they don't like to show a lot of emotions. Like they don't like to smile or laugh or cry in front of others. I mean she seems friendly but also looks like she can tear you in half right here and now if you made her mad. I shivered a little about that thought.

"We definitely don't need another Heatwave around," I mumbled to myself not realizing that I actually said it out loud.

"Heatwave?" Talia asked with a confused look on her face.

"Oh um-, he's just a friend of my dad's. You kind of reminded me of him," I darted out. 'That was a close call, too close.'

"Oh, and how do I remind you of him. I-If I can know, you don't have to tell me- if you don't want to." She said sounding a little nervous.

"Nah it's not a problem. So you kind of remind me of Heatwave because you both don't really smile or laugh a lot. You know like you don't show lots of emotions. You both look like you could kill someone if they got on your nerves too." I replied.

"I mean you're not wrong with the last part," she said. She then pretended to look like she was thinking with a finger on her chin and said, "But I just need to warm up to folks before they can see all my emotions, ye know?"

"Yea," I replied. I showed her the kitchen, living room, where the bathroom was located, and showed her the guest room, aka her room. I also told her some tips on how to survive living with Kade's hot-headed self and Dani's very enthusiastic and crack head energy.

"Welp, that's all for the tour. If you need anything else you can ask me whenever you want," I said happily.

"Thanks Cody, this was fun," she replied patting my head.

"Hey, can I ask you a question though??" I asked curiously at her.

"Sure! Shoot," she replied.

"How come Dr. Greene or Frankie never mentioned you, or how come you never visited him or knew about him for that matter." Did she even know who Frankie to was? If she didn't know about Doc Greene, then she had no idea who she was.

     She hung her head and stared at the floor for a minute. She was rubbing her hand against her arm. I felt bad for asking. "You don't need to-" "I never knew about my uncle ... the only family I ever knew was my mom and my dad. I don't think my uncle even knows that I exist." She explained looking back at me.

She sighed, "You'll have an explanation for everything very soon Code, just be patient, ok?"

"Ok, sorry if I made you uncomfortable," I replied.

"Nah, it's fine. Don't worry about it." She said as she headed into her room.

'Everything doesn't seem "Fine" to me.

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