Chapter 2: Rest and Unrest

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Nada spoke to Yhidawach as he walked, starting from the beginning.

"Megaron's era was by far the longest lasting and largest in volume and size. This earth you walk on is only a single planet amongst many, and in Megaron's era, all of those many planets and stars also engaged in war, along with the humans that grew on the masses of earth and water. Some were burning like the Sun; others were made of storm clouds. Megaron was known as the planet that warriors worshiped and he would take only the dead warriors on his land... Out of respect for their never ending battles that were fought in his universe."

"That sounds chaotic."

"Indeed, instead of countries fighting against their neighbors, entire planets instead fought as enemies. It was impressive to say the least."

"So that is why Megaron was so large, he was never human to begin with."

"Exactly. In comparison to how it is today, your planet, the one you're standing on right now, is the only one capable of supporting life."

"That is quite the diminishment in capacity."

"Arioch has been insatiably eating souls while turning some into Adversaries and reincarnating others, she is clearly running out."

"So how did Megaron fail?"

"He was unable to turn on his kin, he let himself be devoured by them. After all, to force the Goddess down, you must cut off her umbilical cord of souls. Otherwise she would keep sitting up there in her impossibly far place on that Embryo of a Throne."

"I would assume the same goes for the rest of the Archfiends... So tell me more about the Vlitrage. That thing didn't seem like it would care about its own."

"Ianaha was unable to kill its kin just like the others, although that was an issue in the way they were programmed."

"Programmed?" That was a new word for Yhidawach, at least, used in that way.

"The Vlitrage were artificially forged out of moon rock... You could say that programming is a set of rules that a created creature must follow. Even when they split off from their creator and killed him, those laws stayed, even as the cycle passed. One of those laws was the prohibition of harming another member of the hive purposefully. Ianaha had managed to take down a good number of Vlitrage herself by not aiming directly at them, but they did the same and overpowered her."

"That thing was a woman?"

"I think so, she never reacted adversely to being called that."

"Never mind. Continue. The one after Megaron was?"

"I am actually not sure, I know that Tigerion is the middle and that all of the human ones came after him, but the cycles and time frame of the ones right after Megaron are exceedingly convoluted. My memories aren't what they used to be, it almost feels like they all happened to show up at once, but I can figure out the order by going through it in a supposed chronological order... Aka Abaravand was the creator of the Vlitrage, then Ianaha came after him, Ewiglicht after her..."

The order of the cycles was as such:


Aka Abaravand









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