Chapter 5: On whose sentence all dependeth

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Arioch was smiling in lust on the surface, but deep inside a fear was threatening to consume her.

The effortless way in which Yhidawach dealt with her legion excited her, she wanted him.

"Oh great doom impending!" She started speaking to him. "When your words and mine are blending. Heaven and earth in ashes will be ending!"

The words were greatly similar to those of Nada.

"Oh what love my bosom rendeth. When from my world you ascendeth... Speak! Man upon whose sentence all dependeth!"

The Judge pointed his blade at the Goddess who stood from her seat and opened her arms wide.

"My embrace does not forgiveness grant. Bow your head low... and my blade will bring it lower."

He walked up to her and cut her head off.

If only it were this easy.

The space around them changed as the human body of Arioch disappeared and a divine light emanated from the embryo like organ attached to the back of the throne.

"A would be usurper will not this seat take!" Her voice echoed.

"Did you not see the backside of your chair? It looks ready to accept another ruler."

She emerged from that sac as an animal with vaguely humanoid characteristics.

"You have already proven yourself capable of ending humanity! But can you end beasts just as well?"

A horrid amalgamation of various predators with a human face at the very top... that was her form now.

The claws of tigers and lions swiped at him while horns of bulls and goats tried to gore him, hooves kicked, maws bit and beaks speared.

Yhidawach systematically cut all of her away before splitting her face in half.

Once more the light pulsed out from the embryo of the throne.

All the while, Yhidawach was eating away at Arioch's world, turning her law to dust.

The sentence had been passed; her end was inevitable from the moment he declared her death. This was just a foregone conclusion to any battle he faced; he was now going through the motions, mechanically while his enmity was focused on only one entity.

She emerged again, shaped like a waterborne creature that lived deep in the oceans, gigantic and abominable.

Yhidawach was no stranger to the sequence she was following.

She started with humanity, then animals, now whatever Ark was...

"No matter what generation you choose it will end the same way."

"What way?"

"One more body on the pile."

Yhidawach gathered anti-matter in his sword and tore through her squid like form in a single swing.

The Embryo of Creation pulsed once more and now the Vlitrage came out.

She fired the cannon that Ianaha needed time to charge with no recoil and no breaks in between it. But Yhidawach had already transcended that.

He walked up to her and pierced her skull through her misshapen eyes.

That form turned to dust.

The space around them kept changing and Yhidawach assumed that this is what the worlds looked like in each cycle.

Not too different, though Ianaha's era seemed quite covered in corpses human and Vlitrage alike.

Then she came out looking like a series of mollusks that stood on thin air with shining shells.

The space looked just like the one Aka Abaravand pulled him into.

Forcefully he took over that space and pulled Arioch to himself, warping her physical form with density stronger than anything Arioch could produce... He dissolved her bodily structure and turned it into one long and stretched out line that only held similar colors to what she previously resembled.

Then came a star, bright and white, spinning extremely quickly.

Yhidawach flew into her center and spread his Sin and darkness like a cloak. He devoured that form and took it into himself.

Finally out came her true form.

It looked very similar to her human form.

A beautiful woman with short brown hair and knife ears, though she had a hole where her womb would be.

"So this is the source of your obsession. A shame that tragedy will not stay my sword."

Yhidawach poured all of his divine force into his sword.

"YHIDAWACH!" Arioch screamed, flinging cosmic cataclysms at the dark figure.

"Begone evil!"

Divine Sword of Sin, Omen: Lux et Veritas!

His voice fell into a harmony and overlapped on itself multiple times.

The ominous sword of light and truth glowed with such a luster that not even Hope could compare. All of the black holes and blasts of anti-matter, the condensed hyper novae and grand crosses meant nothing to that blade of innocent rage.

Yhidawach swung and cut apart every weapon Arioch had and finally when he reached her, the sword entered her chest.

She brought her hand to his face and brushed it lightly.

Though she wanted to, the sword holding her body in place kept the dying deity from raising her face to kiss the one who killed her.

"... Lament, Yhidawach... Thou art Divine."

She spoke her last words and faded away.

Yhidawach turned to the now empty and black space; he walked up to the throne and took the seat.

The world without song was devoured... and the first words of creation were song itself.

Act 4: Light and Truth, end

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