Chapter 4: Ten Swords

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Yhidawach disappeared with the morning mist.

"That man is like a walking cataclysm... small wonder the Union is reluctant to punish him, what could they even do?" Arioch spoke as she walked along with Ara.

"Curse him or chain him up."

"Doubtful... curses probably won't work on him at this point, I mean, the man has so many souls on him that they've formed an armor around him... you probably can't see it, but I can. Curses aren't cutting through that, and not much can, that's why we'll have to power your sword up even more."

"How will we do that?"

"Swear another Evil Oath and leave the rest to me."

Ara was completely trusting of her angelic comrade, the goddess Arioch can't be wrong in whatever she does... That is exactly what being divine means, they are absolute good no matter what they do, it's part of their plan.

The irony of calling Yhidawach insane for the similarly twisted logic was lost on her.

"What kind of oath?"

"One that will make you the ultimate weapon against that man."

"Alright, you say the words."

"Before we do that... How many Archfiends are left exactly?"

"Ten, I think? We haven't been able to confirm if the Archfiend he killed ten years ago was replaced, add the two he killed here and that leaves ten."

"Some are weaker than others, but they are all far above regular Adversary strength... Let's rank them shall we? List me the names of the remaining ten."






Aka Abaravand





Those were ten names of the Archfiends left alive.

"If we're going by pure power, Megaron and Nada would be sitting at the top." Arioch began, pulling from the knowledge her Mother gave. "Tigerion isn't exactly strong... he just has a nigh unbreakable defense."

Arioch continued to explain until the order from strongest to weakest was decided upon.








Aka Abaravand



"There you have it. The ten remaining Archfiends... I should note that Yhidawach's first one, Remiel, was the weakest. Zekron and Vohiel would definitely be in the top ten, in other words, Yastricht and Belesis are too weak to be considered a threat for him."

Arioch spoke confidently as she laid out the rearranged order on her piece of paper.

"Megaron isn't the strongest?"

"He is very much the strongest just by pure force, but Nada has just a bit less strength and twice as much in magic... Zekron would pale in comparison to her arcane arts. As you might expect from the first Adversary..."

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