Chapter 4: When from earth the Judge ascendeth

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The roar of the Fierce God opened up the Black Gate and right before he stepped inside...

"Be careful Yhidawach, The Throne's will comes. A Judgment of Mortality... If you are not truly divine, you will be turned to dust. And even being divine the pain is horrifying."

Yhidawach walked inside and ascended the steps leading to the throne, brushing off the assault of the Throne with such a spiteful ease that Nada wondered if the seat even tried... in fact the wave was sent back onto Arioch who shivered as it passed her.

"When the Judge his seat attaineth, and each hidden deed arraigneth. Nothing unavenged remaineth." Nada spoke, separating from his back and taking her place among the rest of his claimed souls.

The one who will challenge the Divine will and judge it reached the apex of the stairs. They were now on equal grounds in the boundless, infinite space.

"Gracious... That face is even more handsome and terrifying up close." Arioch spoke while the shadows next to her writhed. "Now come and embrace me dear, bless me with a child so that we may remake creation!" She opened her arms and spread her legs on the throne.

"Close your legs, whore goddess of the amniotic sea! I came here to put you under my sword, not to impale you with it."

"Mmmmf, those words really get me going... But before you can even think of facing me... you have quite the celestial host to go through."

She summoned her army of angels, all exactly the same as the one he killed moments ago.

"If a legion is what you wish to compare, you'll find mine lesser in numbers only!" He issued the call.

The insides of Yhidawach looked just like Ephrastill's inner sanctum, though it had eleven large thrones arranged in a circle, lining the frozen walls. The largest throne was empty and ten Archfiends filled the rest.

The ten Archfiends heard the call right there.

"He's calling for us..." Megaron spoke.

"And did you hear the words he used? Can't let him down after all that praise, can we?" Said Nada.

"All that praise? He barely spoke a single sentence." Said Aka Abaravand.

"That's a lot coming from him." Added Tigerion.

Megaron stood up and left first, the others quickly following suit.

"Are you coming, Ianaha? We have to make up for the horrid failure that was our battle against him after all."

The Vlitrage looked different here, made of the same material as before but statuesquely beautiful, with emerald green eyes and holes in her back, inside which tendrils writhed and made wings.

"You are the only one who failed." She said as she stood up and flew off.

"I hate those blasted things."

Ewiglicht followed after the Vlitrage.

The ten Archfiends came out in all their glory to stand behind Yhidawach.

Megaron was larger than the stars below them and was actually a planet now.

"I was not this large in my era..." He said as he opened his maw and let out fire from his molten core, decimating the angelic host.

"The answer is simple." Nada began. "Now, as part of Yhidawach's army, we have been taken up to his level. I wager we're all stronger than in our prime."

Yhidawach rushed at the shadow while his legion fought the Celestial host.

Arioch would support her army by throwing the occasional supernovae or even a black hole or two.

All of those calamities were just devoured by Megaron and Nada would break whatever spell took longer to cast.

She was forced to use souls as fuel for her cosmic annihilation and she was already running thin.

Ewiglicht and Ianaha were competing over who would kill the most angels among them. Ewiglicht turned them to dust while Ianaha ate them, like rocks.

Tigerion would guard the backs of his comrades and retaliate with heavy strikes that would rival neutron stars exploding.

Vohiel and Zekron worked together as usual and bombarded their targets with magic and melee.

Ark flew around rained destruction on whatever was beneath him while Yastricht shot down whatever managed to escape.

Aka Abaravand summoned a horde of Vlitrage and warped his enemies out of existence.

Many of the angels met horrible fates.

All of creation below them was quaking and falling apart.

Arioch hadn't noticed that her world was slowly but surely being eaten away by Yhidawach's. She couldn't figure out what his Law was, but it was stronger than her Law of motherhood and her brother's eternal war.

Bolides, supernovae, black holes and great attractors did nothing to slow the Judge's legion.

Before long, the celestial army was completely annihilated and Arioch had spent her stock.

Now it was time for the Divine to clash against the Greatest Evil.

This was their cue, so the legion of the Fierce God returned to their place inside the impenetrable fortress that was his soul.

The shadow Yhidawach fought was the epitome of war itself.

Total chaos and reckless abandon where only rage ruled.

But when has a shadow ever beaten darkness itself?

The sheer power that Yhidawach exerted as the incarnation of martial might and his status as being eternally undefeated did not change nor shake in the slightest because of a mere war.

The sword came down and devoured War completely, erasing the figure out of existence.

His eyes turned to the Throne and the lasciviously smiling goddess sitting upon it.

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