Chapter 1

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Have you ever had a dream about what your life will be like? Marriage, kids, love? Sometimes dreams for the future start going in the right direction, but sometimes they veer off course or hit a dead end.
Kurt had a dream of what his future would be like after high school.

His boyfriend was the love of his life. So his future dream included marrying him, living with him, having children with him.

he had his dream job, he had his dream apartment, he had his dream husband, and he even had a daughter. Some would say that his future dream did come true.

The only thing is, it was in shambles. He didn't have the perfect marriage anymore.

It had started about 3 years ago, when his husband, Blaine, changed jobs. Suddenly they were fighting and arguing all the time, constantly on edge with each other, constantly stressed out. They barely saw each other and when they did, it became less like a marriage and more like war.

None of them knew how things had become like this, and Kurt couldn't remember a day when they didn't argue anymore. And their fights had taken on a vicious turn, flinging insults and jarring statements at each other all the time. Picking apart what made them special, throwing their faults in each other's faces.

They would pick out things they could hurt the other with, sometimes even things that they couldn't help, like Kurt's smile was bright enough, or Blaine's curls were getting too out of control. Snoring, morning breath, the fact that someone may be putting on weight.

Kurt hogging the bathroom, Blaine being late for dinner.

They were sparring matches, not normal arguments. Another bad thing was, the make up sex had stopped. Kurt couldn't remember the last time he or his husband initiated anything in the bedroom, most of the time one or the other would be so pissed off after their fights that they would either sleep in the guest room or on the couch.

They hardly slept in the same bed, let alone the same room anymore.

All they knew, was when they fought now, they fought to hurt each other.

And tonight was just like any other.

Kurt was already home when Blaine walked in. He watched him with a bored expression as he walked into the kitchen. Blaine had paused to look at him, and then the boxes of take out on the table. before sighing and stepping over to grab a few containers and sitting down opposite Kurt.

For a while things were quiet, and civil.

Until Blaine had started whining and moaning about how Kurt had forgotten his favourite dish.

"It's just typical isn't it," He started and Kurt tried not to roll his eyes at the passive aggressive tone in Blaine's voice, "typical Kurt behaviour, not thinking of anyone but himself."

"I was enjoying my dinner in peace and quiet, give it a rest will you." Kurt replied in a soft almost pleading voice, and Blaine glared at him across the table, "I only got 2 egg rolls by accident, but I gave them to Elly, because she likes them ok?"

"Right, because god forbid you remember you have a husband." Blaine said with a roll of his eyes, and Kurt's anger began spiralling in his chest.

"Oh, like you remembered me when you brought that cheesecake home last week, apparently forgetting I was allergic to Kiwi fruit?"

"Well not all of us can have a perfect memory." Blaine shot back.

"But you expect me too? Not all of us can have a perfect husband, apparently." Kurt spit out, and Blaine put his hands up in exasperation.

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