Chapter 5

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He had a coffee lunch with Mercedes, his best friend, a few days later, and he made sure that he looked as well as he could, given the situation, but Mercedes always had an eye for spotting trouble. And that is just what she did, as they sat down at the table in their local coffee shop, she placed her hand over Kurt's and gave him a pointed look.
"Ok, what's going on boo, you look like somebody ran over your dog?" Mercedes said and he looked away from her eyes, fighting the tears as she squeezed his hand, "You look terrible."

"Gee, thanks." He tried to lighten the mood a little but she wasn't buying it, and she gave him a sympathetic look.

"I mean it, you look like you haven't slept in weeks, and I can see that you've lost weight," She pointed out and Kurt, shook his head as his eyes filled with tears, "what's going on Kurt?"

"Blaine moved out last week." He said quietly, and she gasped.


"We're getting a divorce."

"Oh, boo, I'm so sorry." She said as she grabbed both of his hands, and he blinked a couple of tears away, and gave her a tight smile.

"Yeah, a lot of people have said that." He said and she hummed.

"Are you ok?" She asked and he felt the lump building again, and shook his head slightly, "Why?"

"He wasn't happy, well, we're not happy." Kurt explained and his breath got stuck in his throat a little, and he forced the sadness down into the pit of his stomach, while he released one of his hands from her grip and sipped at his coffee.

"Oh sweetie."

"'Cedes, I don't know what to do," He admitted, and the horrible pain in his chest was back full force, almost making him lose his breath, and he placed his free hand over his shirt, while she watched him, patiently, "some days I want to scream and cry and throw things around in anger, and some days I want to sit and let the world pass me by, and pretend it isn't happening. Sit on the couch and numb myself to it, by eating all the ice-cream in the apartment. I feel totally lost."

She nodded as he explained, and he could see that she was trying to think of some way to comfort him.

"I don't think there is a handbook for how to deal with this, everyone handles it differently." she said eventually and Kurt's chest hurt, and his stomach churned and he felt like he was fighting a losing battle with the tears, and slowly but surely they dripped down his cheeks.

"I just- I..."

He couldn't help the sob that escaped him, and Mercedes quickly got out of her chair, and then took it to sit beside him, throwing her arms around him, and pulling his head into her chest.

"Oh, honey don't cry." She soothed as she rubbed his back and his hair lightly, and he sniffed and sobbed into her jacket, letting her hold him together just a little bit.

His sobs quieted after a minute and he looked up at her, seeing the sadness of his own eyes reflected in hers.

"Even though the decision was made for the best, I don't think I'll ever get over it, you know?" He said and she nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, you were together a long time."

"'s hard without him, even when we would bicker and argue constantly, he was always there." He said sadly, and she squeezed him one more time, before moving back into her own seat, but still holding onto his hand.

"I know."

"It's a lot of change, and I'm not ready for it." he said as she handed him a tissue, and he wiped at his eyes, desperate for the tears to stop now.

Divorce Is Such An Ugly WordWhere stories live. Discover now