Chapter 16

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"I actually can't believe it." Kurt sighed as he flopped down on the bed, watching Blaine undo his tie with a smile.
"Who knew we could get everything together so quickly." Blaine said as he sat on the edge of the bed and removed his jacket.

"I know," Kurt responded as he sat up, crossing one leg over the other as he turned on his side to face Blaine, "but I think we pulled it off."

"It was a wedding to remember." Blaine added with a smile as he reached out to run his hand over Kurt's cheek.

"And a lovely Christmas present baby." Kurt said as he scooted forward to tug on Blaine's waist, causing him to tumble over onto the bed too, feet still dangling over the edge and his head resting on Kurt's stomach.

Kurt ran his hands threw the soft curls on Blaine's head as they both relaxed.

It had been a day to remember. Blaine had planned everything, and Kurt thought he was being taken somewhere extremely extravagant for their 20th date, but Blaine surprised him by taking him to Madison Square Garden, where all their guests were waiting anxiously and then he got down on one knee and proposed.

After a quick make out session, in celebration of their engagement, Blaine had taken Kurt's hand and they married that same afternoon.

2 days before Christmas.

They booked a honeymoon suite in the closest hotel, and everyone joined them for a little after party in their room. When it hit midnight, everyone left. Wishing them luck on their way out. Mercedes and Bex had given each of them a light slap to the face and warned them about ever breaking up again.

Elly had been in on the whole plan, and she squeezed them both shouting how much she loved them before leaving to spend the weekend at Mercedes' place.

So currently the newly weds were lounging around on their bed, in a state of complete bliss. Surrounded by gifts and glitter, just enjoying each other's silent company.

"Think we should have anymore kids?" Kurt asked as he sat petting Blaine's hair, and watched with a grin as Blaine's eyes widened comically.

"erm I-"

"I was just kidding."

"Oh," Blaine breathed a sigh of relief, and Kurt chuckled.

"Seriously, if we had any more at our age, I think we'll be bald by the time we hit 50."


Kurt gave his husband a soft look, a small smile edging his mouth, and Blaine raised an eyebrow as he continued to stare at him.

"What?" he asked curiously and Kurt sighed.

"I just love much."

"I love you too." Blaine replied just as gently, and reached a hand up to behind Kurt's head to pull his face towards him.

As their lips met, they both groaned. Blaine's mouth opened under Kurt's and their tongues glided together gently. Kurt moved out from underneath Blaine, without detaching their lips, rolling over on top of him, kissing him extra deeply. Blaine sucked on his tongue a little as he lay on top of him, and Kurt giggled into the kiss as he pulled away.

"I missed being your husband." He whispered, their lips still touching lightly, and Blaine smiled widely.

"I missed it too, my husband."

They both moaned again as they kissed, tugging at each other's suits, desperate to get at the skin underneath.

This has turned out to be the best Christmas Kurt and Blaine had ever experienced.

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