Chapter 3

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Elly had burst into tears when they told her about the divorce, obviously. She was upset about it, that her parents were separating and she hated it. She had accepted the fact that her parents didn't make this decision lightly. That they were trying to do the right thing for everybody, and she knew about the constant bickering and all the insults they threw at each other.
She sat nodding as Blaine explained it more to her, wiping at her face as more tears escaped from her bright hazel eyes. Kurt was upset too, anybody could see that, he sat staring into space while they were all sitting around the living room discussing the issue.

Blaine had glanced his way when Elly had asked him if he still loved them, and Kurt's eyes quickly looked away as Blaine cleared his throat.

"Of course, I love you," Blaine told her, as he placed his arms around her, her head snuggling underneath his chin, "that won't ever change. But sweetheart, it takes more than feelings to make a marriage work."

"But I don't understand," Elly said as she wiped at her cheeks, before Kurt handed her a little tissue, "love should be enough right?"

"Sometimes it is, but sometimes situations change," Blaine stumbled to explain, and Kurt watched him, "stress changes people, and sometimes it cuts into relationships, makes them toxic."

She nodded in understanding, and Kurt looked away.

"So you're saying that, by getting a divorce, it will make us a better family?"

"yes, I think it will," Blaine said with a small smile, "the way things are now, the constant fighting, it isn't good. And maybe we can be better parents to you, without stressing each other out."

"Baby," Kurt spoke up, reaching for Elly's hand, holding it tightly as she turned to look at him, "none of this is your fault ok, it's all our decision, I don't want you to feel like it has anything to do with you, because it doesn't. Your father and I , love you so much, that won't ever change."

"No, that will never change." Blaine added as he agreed with Kurt, holding Elly's other hand, "People just grow apart as they get older, it's nobodies fault, we keep fighting and it's not fair to either of us, or you."

She was holding their hands, and sniffing back her tears, looking between them both as they smiled sadly at her.

"And maybe in time, it will make us happier, all of us." Blaine continued, "and we won't be standing in each other's way to find happiness with somebody else, someone who may be better for us."

Wait what?

Kurt's eyes widened at that last bit of information, squeezing his daughter's hand once more before dropping it. He sat in silence as she turned to him first for a hug, and then Blaine, before standing and sighing out loud.

"I think I'm going to go lay down for a minute." She said to them, and they both nodding mutely as she walked down the hall.

As soon as she was out of their sight, Kurt turned narrowed eyes to Blaine.

"You know, you don't have to tell her everything," Kurt said to him with barely contained contempt, and Blaine looked confused for a moment, "if you want to go gallivanting with someone else, so be it."

"No, that's not what I-"

"Or have you already found someone, is that it?" Kurt said as he glared at Blaine, "if the divorce is just an excuse, to get you away so that you can be with whoever you've found-"

"No, Kurt, I didn't mean it like that," Blaine defended himself, "why does everything have to be a fight with you?"

"Maybe because my husband, who has been my husband for 18 years now, wants to divorce me to see someone else."

"There's no-one else!"

"Then why bring it up!"

"Because that's what will happen Kurt," Blaine said as he stood from the couch, "we're not happy together anymore, but we may find happiness with other people. We can't be together anymore."

Kurt crossed his arms, and melted back into the couch, as his eyes started prickling again. He didn't want to cry anymore, but he couldn't help it. He felt angry and sad, and his chest hurt. He had no outlet for it anymore. Nobody he could really turn to, no-one he could talk to about what he was feeling.

He felt alone, for the first time since his father died.

His hands came up to his face as he sat there. Blaine was still hovering around the couch, waiting.

"Where will you go?" He asked quietly, and heard Blaine sigh behind him.

"Bex place."

Kurt nodded. He really liked Rebecca, she was a strong, fierce force that had helped Blaine through college. She became a staple friend in Blaine's life. he was glad that his husband had someone to go to.


"Well the hard part's over." Blaine said as he looked in the direction where their daughter had disappeared to her room, and Kurt scoffed a little, making Blaine look at him strangely.

"No, it's not," Kurt said as he looked up at him, "you have to tell your mom."

"Oh shit," Blaine sighed, placing a hand over his face, "oh yeah, she loves you."

He missed the flinch on Kurt's face, when he spoke of someone loving Kurt, it hurt a lot that it wasn't Blaine anymore.

"She is not going to be happy." Blaine went on, and Kurt remained silent.

Kurt stayed where he was on the couch, staring into space again, as he could feel Blaine's eyes on him. He said nothing else and Blaine hesitated slightly. Kurt's eyes started watering as if all the time he had held them back, he couldn't anymore, and the tears started leaking down his cheeks.

But he was silent and still, just letting them fall, not even bothering to wipe them away.

Blaine watched him, and when Kurt didn't make a move or say anything he began to get a little worried.

"Kurt?" he asked softly, but as he said his name, Kurt's back went ramrod straight and he sat up, almost looking startled, and he sat on the edge of the couch, not at ease at all.

"I think maybe you should go and pack your things, before it gets too late." he said quickly and Blaine sighed as he walked to their bedroom.

Kurt listened and waited for the bedroom door to close, before his entire face scrunched up and he felt the silent sobs shaking his chest. He clutched a hand over his heart and sank into the couch cushions, willing the hurt to either kill him or disappear.

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