Chapter 12

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He too a deep breath as he knocked. And waited.
Blaine opened the door with a smile and stepped aside to let him in. He had never been in here, so it was a shock to see the décor Blaine had chosen. A lot like Kurt's apartment, but a little brighter with the colour scheme.

"I know what you're thinking," Blaine said with a laugh as he watched Kurt look around, "you picked out a perfect set for the apartment, I had to copy it."

"It looks great." Kurt told him and Blaine grinned shyly.


he was barreled into by a bundle of hair, and he wrapped his arms around her as she squeezed him, trying not to cry, he did miss her.

"Hey sweetie." He said gently as she released him, and gave him a big smile.

She looked down at his bandaged hand and her eyes went a little misty, but he grabbed her again and hugged her to him, whispering it was ok.

"Hey Kurt." came another voice he hadn't heard for a while, and he looked up surprised.

"Oh, hey Bex." He gave her a grin and she stepped forward to wrap her arms around his shoulders, breathing a sigh out against his neck.

"I'm glad you're ok." she said quietly and he smiled as he hugged her back.

"Thanks, me too."

She pulled back, and blinked a couple of times, trying to keep herself in check.

"Anytime you want to talk, I'm here ok, I love you too you know?"

"Thank you Rebecca."

"Oh man, don't call me Rebecca." She groaned with a small laugh and Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, Bex."

"That's better, right I have to love and leave you guys, have a hot date," she said with a wink and turned to Blaine, "Blaine text me later babe."

"You got it. Good luck." he said as she kissed his cheek, and then raised an eyebrow.

"Honey, this," she gestured to her figure, and Kurt rolled his eyes, "doesn't need luck."

With a wave and a wink, she left. Kurt laughed as Blaine let out a little sigh.

"She's a character." Kurt said and Blaine laughed a little.

"Yeah, she never changes," he said as he guided Kurt inside a bit more, pushing a hand gently in the small of his back, "so, come in, sit down, take a load off."

"So eloquently put." he told Blaine with a smile, and Blaine huffed a laugh.

"I'll go make us some coffee."

As Blaine walked off, Elly took Kurt's hand and dragged him into the living room, making him sit with her on the couch.

"Daddy, come here, I want to show you my project for theater class at school."

"Theater?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and she nodded excitedly.

"Uh huh, I joined last week," she said with a smile, as she brought out a folder of papers, "thought I might get some more experience in performing for people."

"Oh honey, that's great."

"So this project is to do with family, and I wanted you to see it."

"What about family?" he asked and she grinned.

"Just about family life really, and I wanted to put you in the project."

"What will be doing?"

"Singing for me."

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