Chapter 14

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"Where did you say it was?" Kurt called out as he had his head and shoulders stuck underneath the bed, in his room, rummaging through the storage boxes there.
"I don't really know, because you always moved everything." Blaine said from where he was inside the closet, with a step ladder routing through the top shelves.

"Don't start the blame game." Kurt said with a slight glare over one shoulder, and Blaine instantly winced.

"Sorry, all I know is it has a bright purple and green cover."

"Is it shiny or soft, big or small?"

"It's quite big, and the fabric is soft."

"Ok, it's not here then." Kurt said as he pulled himself out from underneath the bed.

Blaine had appeared one day, and brought up one of his old memory books, from when Elly was a baby. Kurt had no idea what he was talking about, but he invited him in to search for it together.

He couldn't recall the book that Blaine had said he made of their life when Elly was a baby, but he believed him and they began the search. An hour later they were still bookless.

"Are you sure you didn't take it with you?" Kurt asked as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead, helping Blaine restack boxes in their rightful places on shelves in the cupboards.

"We have an attic space right?" Blaine asked, and Kurt got sort of hung up on the present tense of that question, until he shook it off and nodded up at him.

The bedroom and kitchen had been thoroughly searched, now all that was left was the attic space, where Kurt kept boxes of odd junk and Christmas decorations, and the living room cupboards.

They had been spending an awful lot of time together, since Blaine's break up with Brad, and it was now coming up to the 5th month since their divorce was finalized. Kurt couldn't believe that time had flown by so fast.

Yet, here they were, about to search the small attic space together for an old photo album.

"You sure it's purple?" Kurt asked as he rifled through the first box, and Blaine nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure." He said with a roll of his eyes, and Kurt huffed.

"Blaine it's not he-"

His hand stopped on something big, soft and purple. He paused, and bit his lip.

"Erm...Blaine, I found it."

"Hey, there it is."

"Let's get down from here yeah?"


When they were down from the attic space, and the rest of their mess had been cleared away, Blaine took Kurt over to the couch and sat him down. He quickly dusted off the front cover of the book and sat down next to Kurt with an excited smile.

"You seriously don't remember this book?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and a silly grin, and Kurt felt his heart beat a little faster.

"No, should I?"

"Yeah," Blaine said with a grin as he flipped the cover back, "it literally has every important thing in here from her first year."


"I'll show you."

Blaine scooted closer and held the book across both of their laps, opening to the first page, where a small sonogram picture sat centre on the first page, and Blaine had drawn patterns and happy faces and hearts all around. There was even a poem about the baby underneath it, and Kurt giggled as he read it aloud.

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