Chapter 10

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How many times had Kurt glanced at Mercedes and rolled his eyes or frowned? Countless tonight he wagers. She gave him a sympathetic look every time. They were both stood with Blaine and Brad, discussing tonight's event and Elly's performance, which they had yet to see.
She was one of the best ones they had, so they had put her 3rd from last performance of the night. Kurt and Blaine were so proud.

Kurt was waiting semi patiently for his daughter to walk on stage, and he hoped she had the courage to pull her nervousness together. He was sure she would.

"I actually can't believe our little girl is going to sing." Blaine said from his side, and Kurt hummed in agreement, "and her dress looks beautiful."

Kurt raised an eyebrow, as he looked at Blaine, who grinned at him and pointed to the stage curtain. He looked back that way, and there she was. She looked so beautiful up there. Kurt felt his chest warm with pride for her.

As she took centre stage, she introduced herself a little before the music started, giving her parents a grin before singing. And everyone was awestruck at her haunting and beautiful voice.

She was a little shaky at first, but soon picked up as her bravery and showmanship took over. She was fantastic.

"Wow, your little girl is good," came a whisper on the other side of Blaine and Kurt rolled his eyes at Brad's voice, before focusing on the stage, "guess she takes after you."

Kurt frowned and narrowed his eyes as Blaine huffed out a laugh to his boyfriend.

Mercedes placed her hand through Kurt's arm, letting him know she was there. And he was grateful.

"At least you know you passed on great genes." came Brad's voice again, and Kurt almost turned to tell him to shut up while his daughter was singing, but Mercedes was right there with him, and he could see from the corner of his eye that she was unimpressed too.

Blaine didn't answer, he was just watching Elly singing.

After her set was done, and the audience abruptly burst into applause. Kurt whooped loudly for his little girl as she stepped off the stage and ran to him. A big smile stuck on her face as he engulfed her in his arms.

"Oh baby, you were so amazing!" He told her, as she giggled into his suit jacket, "I'm so proud of you."

She grinned up at him, before throwing her arms around her father.

"That makes two of us," Blaine said as he placed a kiss in her hair, "so good baby, incredible."

Mercedes moved up then and took her from Blaine's arms, giving her a big squeeze.

"Girl, you almost made me cry, not a feat too many people can do."

"Thank you." She said shyly as she hugged Mercedes back.

After that, everyone enjoyed what was left of the event, they all cheered for the last two teens singing for the end, and Elly had a smile on her face as people came up to her to tell her how much they enjoyed her performance. By the end of the night, she looked exhausted and Kurt decided it was time to go home.

"So, I guess we should be making our way home, huh?" He said to her, and she turned to him with a questioning look.

"Oh, erm...daddy asked me if I would go and stay with him tonight," she said quietly, avoiding eye contact with Kurt, "he wants to celebrate with me."

"Oh, ok, well that's fine," Kurt said slowly, disappointed now that his daughter wouldn't be coming home with him, not like he could force her too, "I guess we had better go find him then."

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