Chapter 13

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Kurt felt infinitely better over the next few weeks. His therapist had signed him off, when he was having more good therapy sessions than bad ones. But with a promise from him to call her if he ever needed her again.
He felt good.

He had been spending more time with Blaine and Elly, and Mercedes, even so far as all going out for dinner for Elly's 16th birthday. Things were looking so much brighter now. And he was even back at work, in full swing of design mode.

He felt a little more like himself, and the anger and sadness had all but gone. Yes there were still lingering pangs of hurt, but they weren't so much as a bother anymore. He was smiling more, laughing more, and generally being the Kurt he knew was still trapped inside all that time.

He was becoming whole again, and happy.

Blaine had been a big help with that. He spent time with him, just like they did back in high school, before they got together. He hadn't realized how much he missed Blaine as his best friend, although he wouldn't call him that in front of Mercedes.

But Blaine had always been one of the people, Kurt knew from the moment he saw him, he needed in his life. Friend, lover whatever. Just Blaine.

he smiled to himself as they stood in line in the coffee shop. Blaine had surprised him at work, asking him for lunch, and Kurt had barely gotten out a yes before they were headed for their favourite coffee shop.

Blaine excused himself to go to the toilet, and Kurt nodded absently as he thought of all those times years ago, remembering how they would smile and nudge each other, save each other's spaces in line. Kurt knew he was still in love with Blaine, but Blaine was in fact still with Brad.

Even though it still hurt, Blaine wouldn't bring him up in conversation unless Kurt asked about him specifically. He was entirely grateful for Blaine's tact. His gentle nature was also something Kurt had forgotten about after those years of fighting.

His husband had always been attentive, giving, and incredibly tactful.

He loved him for that.

As he stood waiting in line, he looked over the menu they had up, pumpkin spiced lattes were already out for the upcoming holiday season and Kurt decided he would surprise Blaine with one. Making his way to number 3 in line, he grinned, things were looking up.

"Well, well, well," a sardonic voice interrupted his happy thoughts, and he frowned, "if it isn't the depressed little attention seeker."

He spun around to eye Brad a little viciously.


"You heard me," Brad said as he narrowed his eyes, and Kurt looked around them, feeling a little trapped, "how is life on the other side, oh wait, you wouldn't know because you didn't actually kill yourself."

Kurt looked around as other people around heard Brad, and were staring at him. Suddenly he felt very small.

"What are you doing?" He hissed at the man, who just smirked at him.

"What? I can't grab attention? Is it all just for you?"

"I do-"

"You know, when Blaine told me what had happened, I was sympathetic, really I was," he said as he walked a step closer, closing in on Kurt's personal space, and Kurt's eyes widened, "but doing all of that, just to get your husband back? How desperate and pathetic are you?"

"You think it was all some game?" Kurt asked, feeling a little sick, "I never wanted any of this to happen."

"So why don't you do everyone a favour," Brad said as he crept even closer, and Kurt felt so uncomfortable that his eyes shot to the floor, "and kill yourself properly."

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