A/N: 1

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Hello, hello, hello!

You can just refer to me as Dite-mun, and I'll be your shittastic author of this trainwreck!

In all seriousness though, I'd like to note that I've kept up with both the anime and the webcomic itself (up to chapter 190), so there will be occasional mentions of spoilers of various arcs and character development from the anime and a little further past it!

I will try my best not to include them too much and I'll only do so in the case of character development and building; I'd love to just stick with our characters' daily antics and other slice-of-life situations, but that's just a warning to anyone who hasn't seen the entirity of the anime or a little past the webcomic itself, so I apologize deeply!

Also noting, in regards to medical terminology and the field itself, I am not skilled in anyway and I am mostly relying on sources that I research/go full-circle to make it absolute crack content/I may outright avoid some parts to avoid complicating things. I promise you enough, this is not an accurate representation of any medical situations and it's Nanbaka anyways, half of the plot is basically crack-cocaine reasoning so please don't take everything super seriously fufshfudisfdshfhi

 However, if you have any corrections or criticism of anything, please do inform me and I will do my best to correct them! I am more than open to seeing anyone try to help me fix any misconceptions, misunderstandings, and misinformation as well as just basic correction on my writing in general!

One last thing in general, the reader will go by feminine pronouns! I apologize for any male/nonbinary/etc. readers but I do have other ideas for a fanfic that will involve you all!

Other than that, thank you for reading this, I haven't written any sort of fanfic like this since I was 13 so forgive me if my writing skills are pretty rusty! Please enjoy the rest <3

P.S: Remember to support Sho Futamuta, the creator of Nanbaka! All characters are hers originally <3333

- Dite-mun

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