First Day

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                Droplets of water seeped out of the faucet, falling and running down the drain of the marble sink underneath you. You ran your fingers through your hair, the locks entangling themselves in your digits before you glanced right back up at your reflection glaring in return.

               "Hoo fuck, I'm actually doing this..!"

                You felt the stress already topping its meter. Stressed about which part? Everything. Just being here, you could practically feel an aneurysm waiting patiently to body-slam you at the moment that meter blew its top off. The whole procedure of arriving at the prison, the countless amounts of security checks you had to go through, the idea of entering a place with dangerous individuals, just the absolute strangeness of the building itself-- in fact, how the hell could you even describe it all? 

            They weren't kidding when they said Nanba Prison was one of the most intense places.

            This was, after all, the number one prison of the entire world. If Azkaban was a person, then Nanba would be Azkaban on steroids. Lots of steroids. Like, they both shot up and snorted steroids. Even the environment where Nanba Prison was built screamed "impenetrable" as it was surrounded by a vast ocean, a place where you only knew was within Japan's boundary. Other than that, you knew nothing of the super specific details of where it was.

              Regardless, here you were, inside the restrooms of the prison just beside the reception. You took up the internship because... well, you were desperate to find one and it seemed like your only choice at the time, with it having decent pay, okay recommendations from others who were there before you, and a certainty that it'd at least look good on your papers. Plus, there were other the things that perked your interest in choosing this place rather than a regular hospital. I mean, underneath the uneasiness that was welling up in you, there was some excitement to this job.

            If you set aside the idea of possibility of getting a makeshift prison shiv lodged in your side, then the idea of meeting criminals and learning about them was... kind of cool. Like a more dangerous version of doing True Crime research, if you were to be honest.

             Which is why before you were going to head further inside for work, you wanted to double-check your appearance so you didn't look super awful when meeting your new co-workers and boss. Your eyes narrowed at your reflection in the mirror, scrutinizing every inch of your face for any blemishing.

             Initially, you wanted to wake up extra early since running to work late on the first day because of some inconvenience would not look good. Your eyes shut, the distinct ringing of 18 alarms in your head continuously going off every 15 minutes popping up in your mind. Was it an overkill? Probably. But hey, at least you had 1 hour to spare at the expense of being exhausted.

             Pulling at the skin under your eye to note the little veins that seemed more bloodshot than usual, you chuckled to yourself, "I look like shit."

             "You seem fine to me!"

             "Ah, thanks for tha--- wait a second."

             Hold on. You definitely didn't remember seeing anyone inside the restroom.

             You snapped your body towards the direction of the voice, to see a person standing there with a toothy grin on his face. Some notable distinctions you could make was that the man was jacked with piercings littering his ears, face, what-not, what seemed like a slightly different version of the prison's guard uniform haphazardly put on as he didn't seem to bother with buttoning up his shirt, and dark shades that concealed his eyes. 

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