Number 25

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     Quickly, Okina went back inside, with you trailing behind him in a near sprint. For an older man, he sure was nimble on his feet.

    As you followed him, you took the moment to begin looking at your new surroundings. It certainly was like any other clinic, with all of the typical sights and scenarios, such as seeing the various machinery hooked up, beds with white sheets peeking out from behind curtains, the surplus amount of clean medical supplies laying about in an almost organized chaos, the strong scent of disinfectant, the cute-looking robot in the corner--

   Wait, a cute-looking robot in the corner?

  You didn't recall this being a thing in any medical situation, ever, unless you missed something in your studies.

  She seemed to have long, synthetic pink hair, shiny under the fluorescent lights. She certainly had the markings of a robot, indicated by the grooves in her joints and the fact that her entire body obviously looked like metal. One thing that definitely stood out was the fact that she was wearing an... interesting, nurse's uniform. Nurse's cap and white leotard. While you had to admit, it did flatter her, the idea of wearing something like that in the clinic was...

    Would it be considered public indecency at this point? That certainly wouldn't comply with anything regaling the importance of sanitation in any medical facility.

   "Her name's Kaguya, my daughter. And no, you're not wearin' anything like that, so don't get your hopes up too high."

   You had to stifle a snort. "Wasn't planning on it, sir."

   Soon enough, the cyborg turned her head towards your direction, her bright yellow eyes landing on you before looking at Okina. She made her way towards the two of you, speaking in a monotonous voice, "Good morning, father."

   "Ah, Kaguya, good morning. Did you sleep well?"

   "Yes, there were no issues while I slept. I am fully charged for the day."

    "That's good- let me or your mother know if you're not doing well."

    "I will add that suggestion to my list."

    Was his expression.. soft? A small smile graced your face at how this short-tempered man seemed to have a weakspot for his robo-daughter; it was honestly kind of endearing. Maybe he wasn't such a grumpy-looking grandpa after all--

   "Good to hear. Now, I hope you know that this will be your new colleague from now on. Treat each other well, got it?"

    His eyes lingered on you the longest, the intense burn of "breath-wrong-around-her-and-I-will eliminate your-entire-family-line" seeping into your skin. If looks could kill, you'd be dead on the spot. You simply nodded in response, avoiding his eyes which earned you another satisfied "hrmph" from the man.

    You glanced back directly at Kaguya, her blank expression analyzing you. Clearing your throat, you lightly leaned foward in a small bow, saying, "It's nice to meet you, Kaguya! My name is _____ _____. I hope we can get along?"

   She just stared. Now, that'd probably be cool to say you had a robot checking you out if it weren't kind of a dead-eyed expression, but soon, she responded with her own little bow and words, "It is nice to meet you too, Miss ____ ____. I will remember your name in my database."

   Somehow, this conversation seemed like the most normal out of your day so far.

   "Now, enough of that.. let's just get to the basic rundown of your job."


        "Ah, you're back-- it looks like Mitsuru picked out the right size."

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