Feverish pt. 1

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A/N: This will have to be split into 2 parts! Sorry about that lol

An exhale graced your lips once more as you glanced outside at the moving scenery-- bright early sunshine, large buildings, and the ocean just beyond the forbidding grey walls. Accompanied with only Mitsuru (who was your official guide around the prison), the slow quiet whirring of the elevator's machinery, and the small paper bag on your lap, you could only stare through the glass, deep in thought about one destination.

Building 5.

An expansive building hailed to be among the most well-disciplined and most invested in training oneself; almost like a large dojo, if you could describe it as so. From what Mitsuru could explain to you earlier, it might have been one of the more safer buildings, though ruthlessly competitive and stubborn were some of its less positive traits. Currently, you were tasked with simply delivering medicine to an inmate there, which wasn't so bad if it weren't for the insane amounts of escalators and elevators you had to take to get to the damn place.

While this was a nice break from simply hanging out in the clinic (although you were starting to get along with your frequent patients and co-workers), you had to ask: "Why the fuck is this prison so fucking huge?"

"Language, Miss Nursey," chuckled Mitsuru.

"Shit, my bad," you responded nonchalantly, "You didn't answer my question though."

He leaned back into the seat, arm resting back as he hummed, "'s pretty easy to figure it out. Remember, where are we in?"

"Oh yeah, huge prison with security measures up the ass like an Indiana Jones film for spooky criminals, right?"

He laughed at your description, tilting his glasses downwards with his index finger ever-so-slightly, "Yes ma'am; good thing your brain's been doin' exercises, huh?"

A snort escaped you, eyes flickering back down at the cute paper bag stamped with a heart sticker before returning to gazing through the glass in silence. Your thoughts trailed back to the moments of realization at the clinic to whoever was in that room with Nico. Fortunately, you could deduce that it wasn't anyone who had any intentions of harming him, as you could recall yourself scrambling back to his bedside to find no one there and the young inmate peacefully sleeping there without any abnormalities to him or the equipment; if they wanted to hurt him, they most likely would have done so in the few minutes you were treating those two patients or perhaps even before that. 

When you checked the room, you attempted to look for any signs of whoever that had been lingering, but there was nothing to be found. Even asking Okina or Kaguya did nothing to help as they knew nothing and dismissed it as just "tricks of the eye", and it certainly wasn't any patient who left their bed or the eccentric Building 3 men either.

Like they quickly slipped through your fingertips as easily as water.

You stared blankly at the cerulean waters, watching the distant transportation ships sailing off the horizon in contemplation. Maybe it wasn't a big deal, Nico was well before the end of the day and sent off with the blue-haired guard and nothing else happened in the past few days of working. Yet, it continued to nestle itself into your mind; what could anyone have to do with the boy? It was strange, to say the least, but it did worry to think that it was possibly an inmate who managed to escape their cell. No, you shook your head, it was probably nothing; you were tired that day, so it wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility that you were just experiencing some bout of delirium.

"Heeey, Miss Nurse?"

Immediately, you were snapped out of your trance, snapping your head back towards the guard, "Sorry, did I miss something?"

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