The glassing of reach

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Washington's pov...

When I reached the archives, I'm asked F.I.L.L.I.E.S what records we had of the planet, "fillies what record files we have on the glassing of reach?" I asked the facility A.I, /files show that there's only one of the planet reach, but it is a restricted file. I am sorry, Agent washington/ she said, only one, and it restricted? That makes a problem for me. Why is something that is important, like the destruction of reach classified?

It was...suspicious, to say the least, "thank you," I said to the A.I. before leaving.

No ones POV...

/director/ the A.I. said, "Yes fillies," the man said, /agent washington requested for the record file on planet reach/ fillies said, "Did he now? " he questioned, "fillies be sure not to let him or any other freelancer know about reach, they can't know who he really is" the director said, /director may I ask, but why is it a secret that the agents mustn't know?/ she asked.

"Because he is essential to the project, besides he's the last of the Spartans III program well aside from Jun of course" he said, this still made the A.I confused but left it alone "he must not know, but then...if he's requesting the file then he must be remembering everything, and if he does then.....all hell will break lose" the man said to himself.

Back to wash...

When I entered the lounge room, I was surprised by the lack of freelancers. The only ones there were Carolina, Surprisingly, North, Wyoming, C.T, York, and Illinois

North was the first to see me and walked up to me, "So did you find anything?" He asked, "yeah only one but it's a restricted file" I told him, he seemed surprised by this there were not a lot of classified information files aboard but something as important as reach was suspicious.

Nodding at me we walked to the couch that was in the far end of the room we sat down, and he pulled out his laptop, we researched anything on reach the marines, the ODST's, and the Spartans that were stationed there one group in particular caught my attention it read noble team.

CARTER: SPARTAN A259: noble one.


KAT: SPARTAN B320: noble two.


JORGE: SPARTAN 052: noble five.


EMILE: SPARTAN A239: noble four.


JUN SPARTAN: A266: noble three.


SPARTAN B312: noble six.


Noble team with only two that are possibly still alive, we read everything on reach, as much as the archive from the UNSC was helpful of who noble team was and the planet's fall there was still the classified data, and any rumours wouldn't have started if someone hadn't read that information.

The question is who, "Well, I guess that answer's some of our questions." The north said, "Our?" I asked, "yeah from what you've been telling me it has peeked my interest and I want to help you because for as long as I've known you, you haven't had single memory past your marine life. And if the director is behind all of this, then I'm helping, " he said with confidence that rivaled Carolinas cockiness.

"Thanks, North." I smiled, "So what A.I fragment are you getting anyway?" I asked, changing the subject, "well from what I know, it sounds like it's theta, " the blue-eyed blonde said.

....It was until we all started to head to bed tomorrow north was getting his implantation of theta, so it was a big day....

I dreamt that I was standing on a field on an alien world yet not so alien. It had small hills that looked like it had seen better days.

New life was taking form as the planet I was on was taking shape healing even, with in the distance I barely made out a large mountain it's tip split in two like it was drilled, a crashed pelican was in its final resting place. And a facility was there it was old and warn down veined plant life climbing their way up its steel walls.

"Do remember?" A voice much like my own said, I turned my head to see a man in white and black armor with a black shemagh that was around his neck, it was a standard mark VI set but warn and weathered

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"Do remember?" A voice much like my own said, I turned my head to see a man in white and black armor with a black shemagh that was around his neck, it was a standard mark VI set but warn and weathered.

"Remember what?" I asked. He looked at me, his midnight visor starring at me, hided eyes that peered into my very soul,

"Do you remember?" The voice said again this time it was echoing, the sky was a lit in red flames the clouds darkened, screams and gunfire is all what I heard.

The new plant life that I saw was gone alien soldiers marched, and a sudden need to fight them was almost overtaking me,

The new plant life that I saw was gone alien soldiers marched, and a sudden need to fight them was almost overtaking me,

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What happened? "Do you remember?" Multiple voices said behind me, swiftly turning around. I saw the dead members of the noble team. Two men were charred black, one woman had a hole in her head, and that last man had a sword in his chest that entered from his back.

"DO YOU REMEMBER!" They yelled.

"REMEMBER WHAT?!" I yelled back, shell shocked at the corpses that stood in front of me. The world was turning white, and the ground started to break, and the soil rose into the sky surrounding them.

Before, it was suddenly gone with a small feminine voice that said.

"Stay here....

Be here...

Remember, reach..."

*Gasp!* I awoke with a jolt sweat coming down from my brow, my heart thumping within my chest. A minute went by, and I felt my heart slow down as I calmed myself. With a tired sigh, I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom for a shower.

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