Fix you

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Tw: small panic attack

{ 𝙁𝙞𝙭 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ~ 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮 } A cliche I know but... :)

𝙍𝙚𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙨 𝙋𝙤𝙫.

Reece stood in the middle of the park, a small salty tear making its way down his face that he was quick to wipe away, directing his gaze down to the dirty path below him to ensure no one saw, although he doubted that the strangers in the street would even acknowledge him never mind actually caring.

He quickly lifted his head, looking right and left before sprinting across the road, catching up to the small blond figure that was speedily walking back towards the hotel.

"George! C'mon just stop for a minute" he reached for his shoulder, earning a strong flinch from George as he turns around.

Reece froze and his eyes widened involuntarily as George turned around, lifting his head up with large  tears tracks streaking down his flushed face, eyes brimming red. He opened his mouth to say something but no words came out, his heart clenching at the sight before him.

"George, I'm sorry for being so- so insensitive. I just want you to be ok and stop-" Anger quickly spread across George's face as he flinched back from his touch, mouth snarling in a way that Reece had never seen.

"Stop what? Being so miserable and boring? Wow sorry Reece that I've become such a- a burden?! I can't imagine the pain you're going through" he shouted as the amount of angry hot tears amplified, continuing to stream down his face at record speed, the occasional sniffle in between his words.

"George no! You know that's not what I'm saying, why are you so keen to fight with me? I'm just trying to help...It's like every time I try to do something right it's never good enough for you!" George face blanched as Reece argued back at him, face flushed as he shouted in the street, right outside the hotel. People were staring as they walked past, faces scrunched up in disgust but he didn't pay any attention, too focused on George face.

"Me? Keen to fight you? You're so selfish I honestly can't even believe it! It's all about Reece Reece Reece-" Reece stood still, mouth gaping open as he watched George mock him, frustration shining clear in his eyes as he glared at him with burning eyes.

" Oh c'mon George stop putting your own insecurities onto me, it's not my fault that you can never loosen up and have fun instead of making everything so melodramatic! Just admit you love the attention-" The words flow out of his mouth so fast he barely even registers them in his mind, he knows he doesn't mean them, but he doesn't think.

A hand reaches out to his face and his words are caught on the tip of his tongue, a burning pain emits from his cheek and he stumbles back a little, mostly out of shock as he stares back up at George. His face is a mixture of shock and pure terror as he stares at his hand, no doubt questioning what he did.

"It's ok George I know you didn't mean-" he starts but is quickly cut off

"Just go." George shakes his head, not daring to look him in the eye as he whispers the words so quietly Reece has to strain his ears in other to hear properly, that and he can't believe he heard properly, confusion filling in head.

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐢𝗺 𝐲𝗼𝐮𝐫𝐬 | 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐞  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now