The scientist

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{ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙩 ~ 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙙𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮 }

𝙂𝙚𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫.

"Shhh it's ok Reece. Please don't cry because of me, I can't have that" he could hear muffled sniffles as Reece buried his head into his neck and clutched him tight, squeezing George's frame as if he would disappear from sight if he let go.

He felt Reece's head lift up slightly, slowly pulling back at look George. His heart ached as he looked him in the eyes, brimmed bright red and puffy as small tears remained at the brink, hanging on for dear life as Reece's face was already soaked with tears.


"Hey, it's ok, everything's alright Reece, you don't need to be upset. I'm fine, you're fine, everything's ok." He nodded along, staring absently at Georges face, which was now slightly distressed as he watched the older boy cry.

He shouldn't be crying, he never wanted to see that broken look pass across Reece's face. That itself was heartbreaking, but even more crushing, it was all his fault. He'd done this, this sadness that has brushed across everyone that he'd ever cared about. If he really cared, wouldn't he do what's best for them?

"It's not George! Nothing is alright anymore, don't you understand? Everything was so simple before, and then we-" he frowned a little, Reece starting to shout out in increasing distress, the sound echoing off the bricks and into the sky, mixed with shouts and busy street noises below them. But he could barely hear them, all he could hear was reece, the words that were spilling out of his mouth.

"What? Then we what?" He whispered, daring to look Reece in the eyes as he looked conflicted.

"Then we kissed, that night in the club. I-it changed everything, I don't understand anything anymore! I don't understand you, I don't understand myself." He felt the air leave his lips, rendering him speechless as his ears strained once more, desperately trying to ensure he heard correctly. They kissed. He remembered that kiss, hell how could he forget it. But why was it so significant? How did it change anything? Reece just hated him slightly more than before because of it.

"I-I'm Sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you then, I know you didn't like-" he rambled quickly but was soon cut off by a distraught voice.

"No! That's the problem george! I-I have a girlfriend, but I've never-" a small sob escape his lips them as he glanced back down to the ground, bringing his head back up just as fast, distress more subtle in his face as he calmed down.

He felt a droplet of water fall down from the sky, splashing against his blond mop of hair. More continued to fall then, both of their hairs becoming more and more wet, but neither acknowledged it. Instead they kept their gaze focused on each other, George holding his breath subconsciously as he waited for him to continue.

"I've never fucking kissed her like I kissed you that night, George. And I don't...understand." His voice was hoarse and crackled, a broken whisper making its way to George's ears.

He froze then, the only sound his ears could distinguish was his pulse convulsing harshly through his body, the pumping hammering his thoughts as he tried desperately to decipher what he was hearing, what was being said.

He didn't like his girlfriend. He felt a little bit of relief fill through him then, that Reece wasn't madly in love with that cow that was clearly using him, just because he took pity on her.

"Oh" he whispered as he vocal cords temporarily failed him, mouth hanging open slightly.

"Yeah, oh" he felt himself tense up as he become aware of how close reece was, so close he could se the distinct tear tracks that were slowly being covered with new rain drops, soaking their clothes.

They stared at each other, as if stuck in a trance, neither bothering to say anything. George felt his breath hit his cheeks as Reece came closer, and he let out a breath, feeling his face heat up with a tint of blush.

Suddenly, his brain forgot how to function and he didn't think about it, he closed the small gap between them, his lips meeting Reece's soft ones that were left open. They remained frozen in shock only for a second before he was being kissed back, slow and sweet as the rain fell on top of them, becoming heavier, the sound echoing and making splashing sounds as it hit the hard ground.

He felt Reece's hand come up to his cheek, soft and gentle as he caressed it, and George felt himself lean in further, sinking into his touch.

They stood like that for a few, too short moments before they both pulled back slowly, faces a mixture of shock and pleasure, both panting small breaths as they stared at one another, neither knowing how to break the since, or even if they wanted to. Everything was so perfect right now, he didn't want it to disperse like a forgotten dream. His brain could barely processed what had just happened, never mind what to say.

"Reece...I-" he stopped short, speechless.

"Don't speak, just let me savour this moment, before you break my heart." He felt himself frown at the words, eyebrows furrowing as he listened to the crap coming out of Reece's mouth. That was impossible. Did that mean-?

"I couldn't break your heart Reece, not without you breaking mine first"

This is obviously a short chapter, but I did that on purpose because it's just meant to be one scene between them.

Soooo...they kissed a lot sooner than I planned but I couldn't help it, it was a perfect opportunity!

Does this mean they are done being stupid fools? Nope, sorry. The story is no where near over!

Thanks for reading! Xx

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐢𝗺 𝐲𝗼𝐮𝐫𝐬 | 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐞  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now