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The feeling of Chuck collapsing onto me brought me down with him, I couldn't just let go. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Thomas held onto the boys hand and called his name, I had Chucks upper back propped against me. The medjacks checked for what caused the episode, Gally came storming in.

"Greenie... woah what the hell happened?"

"Chuck came in going on about you and then collapsed, would you care to explain?" Newt stood and for chest to chest with Gally, Minho right behind Newt ready for whatever was to come.

"Explain what? I didn't do it to the kid!" The medjacks called for help to transport Chuck and we all followed.

They determined later on it was just dehydration and exhaustion meaning the boy hasn't been sleeping or drinking enough water.

"Right, i'll give him a few days off then." Newt said placing his hand on my lower back as he turned to check on Ben who would be banished later on.

Ben was pale and had black lips, black veins running his body and he was being restrained so he couldn't hurt anyone I assumed. I took a deep breath and covered my mouth before walking out, Newt following close behind.

"Aspen?" He called grabbing my hand.
"Is everything alright?"

"Yes I just....I feel bad for Ben is all."

"Alright, well let's find Leo and head back to the homestead? Good that?" He smiles softly and puts a hand on my cheek, I overlap my hand to his, he snakes his arm around me and we go to find Leo.

We find the boy seconds later racing Minho, Minho loses everytime but it's clearly done on purpose. Newt whistles a quick tone that catches Leo's attention and he comes running, Newt scoops up the boy into his arms and hugs him as if he hasn't seen him in years. Leo begins to tell Newt that he was outrunning Minho and once again Newt takes in every word. We sit and watch the numerous rematches between the boys when Newt leans over and whispers.

"I need you to distract him when we banish Ben, can you do that for me dear?"

"Yea of course, where should I take him?" I smile inside at his use of the word 'dear'.

"Well, he enjoys playing with the goats that's what he typically does while I work."

"Okay, I can do that." I place my hand on top of his and he lays his head on my shoulder, he hasn't slept much since the griever attack that's took Alby. Within a few seconds I notice he gets really still and his breathing is regular I slowly move his grand from my shoulder to my lap.

Hours go by and Frypan begins ringing the dinner bell and Newt begins to stir, he looks to me and smiles rubbing his eyes.

"Morning sunshine" I smile brushing hair from his face.

"Morning? isn't that the bloody dinner bell?" He sits up.

"I'm starving" he laughs his soft laugh, Minho and Leo have raced for about the hundredth time now.

"They're still going at it?"

"Have been for the last few hours sleepy head"

"Let's go eat then!" He stands offering me his hand which I accept, he whistled and called for Leo and the small boy cane running and jumped into Newts arms.

After dinner concluded it was time to send Ben to the maze. The entire mood of the glade changed, nobody wanted to do it especially the council members.

"Leo, I don't think Aspen has met the goats yet, could you show her?"

"Yes! I gave them all names" The boy beamed and we started off toward the goats. We were there for around fifteen minutes and all I could think of was them pushing Ben into the maze, I heard the doors close and the boys muttering, shortly after Newt, Thomas, and Minho passed by us without a word.

"Newt?" Leo called, Newt kept walking.

"Newt." I said with confusion.

"Thomas?" Leo called, he sounded just like Newt, it was scary.

I took Leo by the hand and walked behind the boys Newt went into our room, Thomas and Minho went on to their hammocks. I knelt down to Leo getting eye level with him, I noticed now how much he really favors Newt, he sucks in his lower part of his cheek and looks at me with nervousness written across his face.

"Alright i'm going to go try and talk some sense into him... do you think you could go find Chuck with the medjacks and have him talk to Thomas?" I straightened his shirt. 

"Yes! I can!" He lit up, he loves having jobs I ruffled his hair and he turned and took off. I stood and watched him run until he got to the other Medjacks  then I made my way toward the homestead I went down the hall to our room and found Newt sitting in the edge of the bed.

"Newt?" I ask sliding in next to him placing my hand on his knee he turned his head to me and he'd clearly been crying.

"Newt..." I whisper pulling him into me.

"I didn't want to do it." His voice broke.

"I know."  He pulled apart from me and I wiped the tears off his eyes as he interlaced his fingers to mine, once again rubbing his pointer. finger on my hand.  I put my hand on his cheek.

"It's okay." I whisper.

"Thank you. Can we get sleep now..? I haven't slept since you were in the pit." I hadn't even noticed how fast it got dark.

"Of course."

I swung my legs under the blankets and watch as he stood up and walked toward the chair in the corner, I sat up and grabbed his hand and he looked down at me.

"Are you sure it's alright?"

"Positive." I turned facing him as he pulled his sweater and his orange tank top off over his head, he laid down next to me and I in turn placed my head on his muscular chest.

"Goodnight." I smiled.

"Goodnight Love." He whispered and with that I felt the safest I had in a long time everything felt right.

Her Glue, His WildcardWhere stories live. Discover now