Chapter 1

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                                    MARK'S POV
"BABE!, are you home?". "MAAARK!, Are you here?".

She could hear us giggling and our hushed voices somewhere in the house as she searched throughout looking for me. I could tell she was getting angry with me but the position I was in right now, I didn't really care much at that exact moment.

"Well, were in the HELL is that man?". "Marcus Louise Anderson!", "WHERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU!".

"Shut up Mel or my wife is going to hear us". "I haven't told her about us yet so BE QUIET, would you!". "I swear little girl, if you get me in trouble with my wife because you can't keep quiet, there will be punishments". "Is that what you want little girl, Hmmm?".

"I'm sorry daddy, you just get me so hot and horny sometimes, and I just really want to fuck you so badly". "When are you going to leave her?". "I can't stand being away from you anymore". "I don't want to share you with". "HER!, Anymore". "I hate not being close to you, touching you, pleasuring you and making you come undone at my every touch daddy".

"I know baby, and you will soon". "I promise!". "Daddy just has to be really careful right now so I don't get in trouble, baby girl".

I kiss her lip's softly tasting her cherry lip gloss on them.

"I will tell her baby I promise, there's just never been a right time to bring it up". "How do I tell the person i've spent the last ten year's with that I am no longer in love with them?". "You know that I hate hiding you baby". "And you know that I want to be able to show you off to the world". "Tell everyone that you are mine". Daddy just need to be careful for a little bit longer". "I just need a little more time baby, that's all".

Everything was amazing in my marriage with Kally, yes she was a little young when we first got married but other then that it was great. Up until a couple of month's ago when I went on this work retreat and stumbled upon my beautiful goddess Melanie. Mel for short.

It was literally love at first site. We couldn't keep our hand's off of eachother didn't matter where we were, still can't. If i'm being totally honest thing's just kinda happened from there on. It just felt so natural with her, so easy. I need to get out of this god forsaken marriage, I feel trapped. I need to talk to my wife, end thing's. But fuck it won't be easy, because I still love her. I'm just not "in love" with her anymore. Mel has stolen that spot now, and I can't see any going back from it.

We could hear her foot step's getting closer to the door as we held our breathes in suspense, the door handle jiggled just briefly, the person on the other side of the door standing there for just a second, but then the foot step's started to get quieter and vanish as they got further away from us. We both let out our breath in a sigh of relief.

"That was so close this time daddy". "I thought you said she wouldn't be home for another few hour's yet?". "We are going to get caught, Mark". "You have to do something about this baby, you have to talk to her". "Please!!, daddy".

"I will baby, I promise". "I just need a little more time". "Can you give daddy a little bit more time baby, hmmm?".

She stick's out her lip and makes the cutest little pouty face and just replies.

"Ok Daddy, but I don't like being hidden away". "I want to be proud of us and what we have mark".

Melanie and I have been dating for about three month's now and I still can't believe that Kally hasn't caught on to my cheating way's, even though I think she MIGHT suspect something i'm just not sure what.

The thing that I love most about Mel is that she's willing to try just about anything sexually in the bedroom and it's fucking Amazing!. One time she let me put her in one of those hanging swing thing's, the angles in which I was able to penetrate into her were fucking unbelievable!.

"Want Her". Not a part of "Shattered Series" (Very Mature Content 18+).Where stories live. Discover now