Chapter 4

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                           THE NEXT MORNING
                                      KALLY'S POV
I lay here watching Evie sleeping peacefully, the early morning light beams shining through the blinds skimming across her small sexy body frame. I lightly glide my finger tip's down her silky smooth body tracing the berms of light as they dance across her skin as she sleeps.

I run my fingers up her arm as I am now lightly kissing her should, her neck, and down her chest. I start to hear her breathing falter and pick up as I start to glide my tongue ever so lightly along the very tip of her nipple, then I give it a quick suck as I continue to flick her nipples with my tongue.

I start to kiss further down her stomach slowly as my fingers follow behind gliding down. She let's out a soft moan in response to the thing's that I am doing to her now aching body.

"Mmmm Aaaah!". "Mmmm mommyyyy!".

I whisper softly in her ear.

"Hmmm, does mommies little girl like what I am doing?".

"Mmmm yes mommy I do, very much!!".

I continue to kiss down Evie's body as I dip my head under the covers reaching her inner thighs, blowing hot air as I kiss along. kissing methodically closer and closer to her core teasing her as she start's quivering.


"Hmmm, what is it baby?". "What do you want from mommy?".

"I need you mommy, please!!".

"Tell mommy how my love, tell me what you desire!?".

She forcefully grab's ahold of my hand and presses it firmly against her already drenched core, moving it in circles.

"Mmmm!". "You're so wet already baby, is that all for mommy?".

She's under such immense pleasure that all she can do is nod her head vigorously. I pull the blanket down further revealing her heated drenched core glistening from her juice's as she squirms in agony. After a minute she's finally able to answer.

"Mommy!". "Please!".

"What baby?". "Tell mommy what you need baby?".

I already know exactly what she wants, but I just love teasing her so much. My hand finally grazes across her core and she buck's her hips against my hand trying to connect but I pull it away.

"Please mommy!". "Fix the ache, I need you to fix the ache within me".

"How baby?". "Like this!".

My fingers dip Inside her core as she moans in pleasure. I insert two and thrust them in and out vigorously as she twitches under me. I sit up in the bed and straddle above her one leg on each side of her body. Our cores mere inches apart.

"OOOH, YES MOMMY!". "More please!".

She's fisting the sheets now as I continue thrusting my fingers deeper inside her hot moist core. I lean forward and take her nipple onto my mouth sucking gently at first, then applying a bit of pressure. I love the way I make this beautiful goddess beneath me feel, the way she responds to my every touch. I honestly never thought it was possible to even be in this situation let alone have these feeling's within me because I was alway's told it was wrong.

But here I am, in this exact situation, with these exact feeling's that I am told I am not supposed to have, but I can't help how Evie makes me feel, and I can't help but think that if this is supposed to be so wrong, then why does it feel so right, so normal?.

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