Chapter 3

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                  Friday night- Girl's night
                                      KALLY'S POV

It's finally Friday night, I survived the week from hell. I called Evie the day after she asked me and we agreed on tonight cause I knew I would need the drink's.

I'm busy getting ready after my hot shower, and I'm just about done. Just a few more touch ups. I look in the mirror admiring my outfit.

"Oh boy, I hope i'm not to over dressed".

                        Knock knock knock

"Well!!". "No time to change now, here goes nothing".

I opened the door slowly watching, Evie's reaction with nervousness spread over my face.

"Hey, Evie!!".

She just stood there looking at me. I looked down at my dress to see if something was out of place, I hadn't had a chance to tape my chest area so the fabric would stay in place

"Am I over dressed?". "It's to much isn't it?".

"No no!!!, it's perfect!". "You look Stunning". "I just wasn't expecting"... "THIS!!". "I thought maybe jeans or sweats and a t-shirt or something"... "But this is good too".

She gestures up and down my body as she stares in approval, I blushed at her compliment.

"Oh!, thank you come in". "You look stunning yourself". "Come in and make yourself comfortable, I'll just go grab glasses for the wine".

We walk into the livingroom, I sit on the couch, she on the chair. Evie, had a bottle of wine in her hand that she had brought and put it on the coffee table as I went to grab us some glasses. I was peaking at her from the kitchen watching her as she waited for me to return.

This is the first time i've actually had a good look at her and honestly, she's gorgeous, long blonde hair, shimmering green eyes, and those leg's. Man those leg's.

I'd love to have them wrapped around my waist up against THAT wall right there. Her shoe's are pretty awesome as well. And don't get me started on, Evie's outfit. And damn I wonder what's under that dress. And the way she's sitting on that chair in my livingroom, is just sexy as fuck.

My head is just reeling with so many thought's running through my mind of how stunning Evie look's, that I jump as she enters into the kitchen. I never even saw or heard her get up, I was so deep in thought.

"You look lost beautiful, you need a hand with that?".

"What!?". "Oh, no I got it".

We go and sat back in the livingroom. We had every intention of watching a movie, but we got distracted with talking and 1 bottle of wine led to 2 bottles and then 3 bottles, or was it 4??, honestly I lost count by that time, the movie a distant memory. I was really enjoying the night she's really amazing, and i'm really starting to like her.

I'm not sure if it was the wine or the chemistry we had between one another but at some point in the night Evie was looking at me intently making me blush, she leans in taking her hand and caressing my cheek gazing into my eye's.

"You're so beautiful, Kally do you know that?".

I couldn't say anything, I was just so transfixed within Evie's eye's, so all I did was let out a low soft moan.



"Hmmm, yeah!!".

"Can I kiss you?, I've been dieing to all night".

"Want Her". Not a part of "Shattered Series" (Very Mature Content 18+).Where stories live. Discover now