Chapter 8

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                                      KALLY'S POV
When we finally got home, there were no word's, only hungry kisses and tearing off of one another's clothes as we stumbled down the hall bumping into wall's and door's trying to just hurry and make it to the bedroom.

Once in the bedroom, I push Evie onto the bed. It was my turn to ravage her tonight, to make her feel good, wanted. To feel in way's she's never felt before. That's what my baby deserves.

I look down at her as she seductively look's back at me. I slowly climbed on the bed hovering over top of her, god she's beautiful.

Leaning down I kiss and nipping at her chest. Straddling her thigh, one leg on either side of her.

I slowly start to grind against her leg as I lift her dress over her hips and up and over her head and off onto the floor leaving her in just her sweater and lingerie.

She's so beautiful!, So perfect.

I glide my fingers along the smooth silky visible part's of Evie's body kissing down her neck and collar bone.

I pick up the rhythm in which our core's are grinding together and Evie start's to moan softly as her breathing start's to change as well. Evie grab's onto my hips as we grind trying to get me closer to her. The sound's of our moist cores, the only sound's in the room other then the faint soft moans that escape us every so often.

"Please mommy, faster!".

I pick up the pace for Evie as I take one of her breasts into my mouth sucking and nipping at her nipple, pinching the other with my fingers.

"Is that better princess, do you like that baby?".

Evie whisper's breathlessly.

"Ohhhh Yes!, don't stop". "Aaaaah!".

Suddenly I reach down, no warning to Evie and place two fingers in her pussy and she buck's her hips arching her back up against me.

Aaaaaah, FUCK YES!. FUCK ME BABY". "Pleeease Kally!".

"That's right princess, scream for Mommy!".

I take my fingers out and lick them off, position our core's together as we grind together again just lost in each other's embrace. Our breaths becoming more ragged.

"God you are so wet for me baby".

"Because you get me so fucking horny for you mommy!".

I grind harder on her core a couple more times as I can feel that she's close to another release.

"Cum Evie!, cum now for mommy". "Make me all wet baby".

That's all the permission she needed before she's screaming my name and letting go, completely cumming undone with immense pleasure.

"Aaaaaah, Kaaally!".

"That's it baby, just let go, I'm right there with you baby!". "Aaaaaah!". "FUUCK!".

I collapse into Evie completely breathless as she curls up into me pulling the quilt over us. This right here is all I need in life.

We slowly drift off to sleep almost immediately completely exhausted after the night we just shared together.

                        THE NEXT MORNING
                                       EVIE'S POV

I'm laying beside Kally watching her sleep peacefully, she look's so beautiful. I can't help but think back to last night and how she was finally able to just let go and be in the moment with me. The way our bodies felt together as we made love together felt like heaven. FUCK!, i'm getting horny again.

"Want Her". Not a part of "Shattered Series" (Very Mature Content 18+).Where stories live. Discover now