Chapter 6

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                                      KALLY'S POV
One month. It's been exactly one month since I first set eye's on my beautiful angel Everly Sophie Monroe. Tonight I have something very special planned for her, because tonight will be the first time I'm taking her out in public since we got together.

Tonight I am taking her out to dinner, nothing to fancy. Then we are going dancing since I missed her school dance a few week's back. I wasn't divorced just yet and didn't want to give Mark ammunition to use against me for whatever reason. But I got into some trouble with that by inviting a friend over who intentionally hit on me after finding out I was dating a girl, which left me shocked and in shit with Evie because she walked in at that exact moment. I have been paying for it dearly ever since that night because she is still so pissed at me.

As I mentioned, I also had filed for divorce and legally changed my last name back to Whitley shortly after everything happened with Jenny, I just wanted to show Evie that she was the only one who mattered most in my life. Because she honestly is.

"Evie?, baby?. "Where are you?".

"In the bedroom changing baby!".

As I head to the bedroom I yell out asking where she had gone.

"Babe, where did yo.!".

But as I enter the room I am instantly stopped in my track's forgetting what I was even asking her. Because there before me is my beautiful goddess standing naked and as beautiful as the first day I saw her. I didn't realize that I was still staring until Evie cleared her throat.

"See something you like Miss Whitley?".

"Mmmm Hmm". "I do actually, Miss Monroe".

I completely forget the reason for trying to find her in the first place and scooped her up, showering her with kisses and she start's giggling. God I love that laugh. It's the most beautifully infectious sound I've ever heard in my entire life.

Suddenly Evie pull's my shirt up and over my head ravaging my body with kisses. She's the only one who's ever been able to set my body on fire when she touches me in the way that she does. Mark's never even made me feel like this in the entire seven year's of our marriage, even when it was still good between us. Evie just does certain thing's to me that make me loose total and complete control of my entire body.

"Get on that bed Miss Whitley!". "Don't make me ask twice".

FUCK I love when she becomes demanding, it's such a fucking turn on for me.

"Mmmm!". "Yes Miss. Monroe, as you wish my love".

I'm not sure why, but her talking like this. To me, get's me fucking horny as hell every. Single. Time. I climb up onto the bed as she requested.

"Lay on your back near the edge".

I just sit there kneeled on the bed for a moment looking at her. Is it strange that in some small weird way I want to challenge her, see what happens if I defy her. Because i've alway's been the obedient one.

"Is there an issue with what i've asked of you Miss Whitley?".

Without even meaning to, I give her a mischievous smile and look as she does the same cocking her head to the side. I think she's realizing that I am challenging her request.

"I'll ask one last time Miss Whitley, lay on your back near the edge of the bed!!".

Again I just sit there continuing to challenge her. Without warning she pushes me back on the bed, she grab's for my ankles and pull's me to the edge of the bed eliciting a squeal from me as she just admiring me

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