Chapter 5

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    Quick Author Note: Jenny's picture and review is at the top of the list in the preface page.... Thank you for your time, and now on with the story!!


                       TWO WEEK'S LATER.
                                       KALLY'S POV                

So it's the night of Evie's school dance and i'm stuck at home alone trying to decide what to do until she get's home.

"Maybe I should see what Jenny is up to, I haven't seen her in forever". "Maybe we can catch up a bit".

Jenny has been my best friend since  elementary school. We were in the same class together all throughout, I sat behind her in every class. We were alway's the ones at the back of the class getting into trouble... The class clown's I think the younger generation call's it now, who know's!!.

                             RING RING RING

"Hello, this is Janae?".

"Jenny?, it's Kally".

"Ooh!". "Hey babe, how are you?". "it's been a while".

"I'm really good actually, how are you?".

"I'm good!". "So what's the occasion?, I don't really hear much from you anymore Kal?".

"I know, and i'm really sorry about that". "It's just been a rough couple month's for me, minus the last few week's".

"Ooooohhh, I smell gossip!".

Jenny giggles at her own comment.

"That's kind of what I called you about, are you busy tonight?".

"No, i'm free tonight actually!".

Of course she's free, she hears the phrase gossip and she's right in there like a pig in mud!. I giggle to myself.

"So would you want to come by for a bit?". "Catch up maybe?".

"That sound's nice Kal". "What time?".

"Well if you're free now, i'm not doing much".

"Ok babe, I'll be right over".

"Sound's good, see you shortly".

                                     END OF CALL

She was also the one to have all the little boy's falling at her feet wanting to be her boyfriend, there was never a shortage of boy's for her. So when she told me in college that she was also into women, I was surprised. I've alway's supported her one hundred percent in whatever she does, and this is no different.

I got off the phone with Jenny and decided to chill a bottle of wine for us, that girl sure love's her wine. About ten minutes later there's a knock on my door.


I head to the door and answer it and there she is, as gorgeous as ever.

"Well are you just going to stand there gawking?, or are you going to invite me in beautiful??".

"Oh yes!, sorry". "come in!".

I step to the side as she steps in the house thanking me as she passes. I never noticed before how beautiful she really is. She's alway's wore revealing clothes, but I've never paid much attention. She's got on this white crop top that laces up the center but is undone just enough to keep you wondering, she's also wearing this really short black and white Minni skirt that is well above the knee, lastly she has on these sexy as all hell Knee-high boots that look like her feet are killing her.

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