Chapter 7

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                                      DATE NIGHT
                                     KALLY'S POV
We spent the rest of the afternoon just cuddling and enjoying each other's company in bed.

We finally got ready relatively quickly in term's of women standard's of quick. (About three hour's!!), and then we left the house at about 7pm for our 7:30pm reservation.

We are driving to the restaurant and I can't help but stare at Evie as she's got the biggest grin on her face. Yeah,that's right!!. I put that damn smile there, no one else did that.... Me!!, I did that. I silently high five myself.

"How you feeling angel?".

            Evie look's at me timidly.

"Honestly mommy!!, i'm nervous as hell!!".

We talked about that before we left the house about pet name's and I agreed with Evie that she could continue to call me mommy outside the house as long as it was just around us and not in earshot of other's. I just don't want my angel getting embarrassed by anyone.

"It will be ok baby, just remember what we talked about".

She shakes her head in agreement and we sit in silence, holding hands driving the rest of the way to the restaurant. We pulled up to the restaurant and Evie is visibly excited.

"This is my absolute favorite place, how did you know?".

"A little birdy may have told me".

"My mom??".

I just smile at her lovingly. So another thing happened just after my divorce and the hole situation with Jenny, I met Evie's family. Honestly, they started to wonder where she kept sneaking off to after the night we had our girl's night and she didn't make it home. They had their suspicions that she was seeing someone, but never guessed it would be a woman.

Evie had told me after she stayed over that night, that her parent's didn't know that she liked women. So I told Evie that we would take that situation at her pace, that I just enjoyed spending time with her. That made her feel alot better that I was understanding in that aspect, I would never do anything to pressure her in any way.

"Yes I had a conversation with your mom yesterday when you were in school".

"Oh!!, was it only about the restaurant??".

She really doesn't like secret's.

"Patient's my pet, you'll find out soon enough baby".

Truth!!, full disclosure. I talked to both of Evie's parent's to see what they thought about me giving their daughter a promise ring, just a symbol of something to show Evie how truly serious I am about her. They respected the fact that I came to them and talked to them first even though it's just a promise ring. I had left there happy and relieved that they approved, because I was doing it no matter what they felt.

I step out of the car and walk around to help my love out of her side of the vehicle.

When she stepped out I can't help but admire how stunningly beautiful she is, and how lucky I am to be hers. She's wearing something new, something i've never seen before. She must of had the same idea as me, fresh new start means fresh new everything.

Evie has on this soft pink little mini dress that stops just above the knee, and damn it's driving me mad, I just want to slip my head under that dress and do unspeakable thing's to her little kitten that's hidden under that sexy as fuck dress.

We also must of had the same idea as well for colour because I also am in a little short pale pink mini dress that stops just above the knee.

We walk into the restaurant and get seated right away at out table.

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