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The desperate exigency which shot right through my system, became the fire of my loins whilst the adrenaline in my blood rising rapidly, felt like blazing electricity. 

I wasted no time that ticked on the old analog-clock that was perched on the wall above his desk, crawling beneath that same very furniture as he used the edge of the desk as a leverage to make space for me to tuck myself between his wide-spread legs. 

Accidentally knocking down a binder of paper, I feel the white sheets crumple beneath my knees as I position myself and hardly notice the smirk that rose across my Professor's handsome face as I wished that the crumpling was instead swapped for the soft silk of perhaps, his bedsheets – But I knew that would never happen, so the grimy classroom floors will do.

My cheeks turned a burning scarlet, so much so, that it could be confused for a fever as Mr. Ren used his big hand to pull me further into the crook of his legs, holding it softly to my cheek afterwards and running his eyes along my face as he brushed the skin ever-so-softly. 

But then, the hand falls to my neck and tightened reasonably around it. The action managed to elicit a moan from me, despite the slowly closing of my airways, which he would tighten and then let go of, just to repeat the process and the sound of me whispering and whimpering passionately for air.

When he let go, it seemed as if he had allowed the rush of my blood to finally flood to my brain and smother all of my introversion, leaving me feeling bubbly with a yearning need as I grew confident and arched upwards, heading straight for that mouth which never quivered nor became taken aback.

He leaned in automatically and caught my trembling lips with his, his tongue shoving in harshly and causing my eyes to roll closed in elation at the taste he gave, whilst also causing goosebumps to litter all along my skin, when his musk also floods my senses. I moaned into his mouth as his fingers curled into my hair and tugged the strands roughly, and when he caused my neck to pull back, his lips only followed and shoved against mine even harder. 

I can't believe that I am getting myself into this situation again, but I also can't believe someone like him is even kissing me anyway – This could be all one big, fevered dream and upon waking up, I would understand finally, all of my disorientating wonders as to how the hell, this is happening. 

I smiled in victory when his kiss finally moved into the crook of my neck, abusing the tender skin that burned for him, as if he was a moth and I was the poor lamp that tried to mimic a sun for him to yearn for.

His tongue stroked harshly and his teeth nipped sharply. I whimpered at the feeling of his warm mouth upon me, something that I had only imagined since the last time he had buried his face into my neck so deliciously. He groaned at the loss of friction, bucking his hips up desperately for contact, as if to remind me of my purpose. 

I wind my hands around wherever I can reach from at this awkward angle, as I hover above the floor but arched up out of the desk – The both of us, seemingly forgetting about the wide, curtain drawn windows that surround one half of the classroom – But at the returning thought, I pull away from his teeth, causing my skin to snap through his pearly-whites and bruise straight away as I kneel behind the covering of the desk, running my hands on his thighs as he breathes heavily and rests his forearms back onto his chair. 

Craning my face up to him, I gaze to him through hooded lids and I watch his nonchalant face slowly become the expression of the clash between brooding and desire, in the reticent person that Mr. Ren was – But when I cup his clothed erection gently, the raven-haired man, let out a deep groan of surprise, bucking his hips up slowly into my hand.  

Then, my hand movements pressed and grounded upon him some more, growing as harsh as his hands that began to twine back into my hair again, and reasonably, more desperate.

Paper Cut Lover | Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now